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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Hi C.C., I just want to welcome you and let you know that you have my prayers for your mom. God Bless, sue
  2. Hi C.C., I just want to welcome you and let you know that you have my prayers for your mom. God Bless, sue
  3. It sounds like you have a lot of confidence in the doctor and that helps a lot. Thinking positive and keeping you in my prayers. sue
  4. shineladysue


    Prayers for Joanna and her family. sue
  5. What a beautiful new home for a beautiful person!!! (((hugs))), sue
  6. Karen and David, Know that you can count on my prayers, as well. sue
  7. Cheryl, Overall, it seems to me that you have found your "fighting spirit" that you thought you lost. You are doing this and I really believe the next treatments will get easier for you. You are an incredibly strong person and you have a lot of folks here sending you positive thoughts and prayers. God Bless you, sue
  8. WELCOME BACK , JOE!!! Love, sue
  9. Wow Jim, Your news brought tears of joy to my eyes. That's just incredibly wonderful news. I'm so happy for you and your family. hugs, sue
  10. cheryl, I sure hope you are feeling better soon . There are so many things they can give you for nausea, hopefully there is one that will help. You are in my prayers, sue
  11. Thanks for the update on Lucy. Enjoy the break time. Mike is on Alimta now. It is an every 3 week treatment and takes about 40 minutes for premeds and the actual chemo. He started it December 6th and has had two treatments. It is given with a vitamin B12 shot to start and the shot is repeated in 9 weeks. Folic acid tablets are given each day also plus dexamethasone prep with treatment and after. So far, Mike has done pretty good. He is tired (requiring frequent rest) and he did develop a rash a few days after the last treatment which has gradually faded. He goes on Monday, Jan17th for a visit with the onc, and for his 3rd treatment. It will be followed up by CT (chest , abdomen and pelvic) about 2 weeks later.. We will be getting those results on Feb 7th. That will be the plan if all goes according to schedule. Will let you know how things go or feel free to PM me if I can answer any other questions about Mike's treatment. I'm not very knowledgeable about it, but I will do my best. As always hugs to you and Lucie and thank you for all that you give of yourself to others in this "family". God Bless you, sue
  12. Cindi, I have always been a believer that a person's mental wellbeing has a direct influence on their physical well being. Yes, my husband had gone thru 10 years of hell prior to his original diagnosis. He was let go from a job he had worked at for 21 years. He was a banker and it was during the time when downsizing was big... He felt secure in our future and the rug got ripped out from under him... The next 10 years were a struggle and involved many career moves . To this day, I will believe that it had a direct bearing on his health. I also believe that when a person is extremely happy or feels comfortable it has a positive affect on their health. I recall reading a book called "Laugh Yourself Well"... by Norman Cousins , I believe. He believed in the healing powers of the mind. Another thing that bothers me is doctors attitudes. I mean, I thank God for our doctors, but.... I have lived long enough to remember the day when the doctor wasn't afraid to express his positive opinion about your health.. My doctor actually said ... "you will be fine"... When did you last have a doctor say anything like that or even near it. The magical part of it was that if we believed it, it was like the weight of the world was lifted from our shoulders and life was good. ... Now they fear a law suit if they say it and it doesn't come true. Okay, I know I'm usually quiet, but you got me started. I'm sorry for being so long winded, but it felt good. Today has been one of my depressed days . I've walked around feeling sorry for us , so maybe I needed to vent about something. Cindi , you are such a wonderful contributor here and I just want to thank you for that... God Bless !!! sue
  13. Nicky, I just wanted to welcome you and add one thing. If you read all the profiles of people here, you will see that every case is unique in every way including response to chemotherapy. Sometimes the results can be slow and if 3 or 4 treatments show a response, the doctor may want to go for more of the same chemotherapy. Sometimes, another kind is tried if the first shows no results. I find it comforting to know that there are so many different treatment options available if one doesn't work, there is nearly always something else that can be tried. Try to have positive thoughts and take it one day at a time. My best to you and your family. sue
  14. Pamm, Sorry, I don't have any advice, but I just wanted to welcome you and let you know that you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. sue
  15. Hi Maryanne, I would just like to welcome you. I don't think I can add anything that hasn't already been said. Just that healing takes time and it does help to move and walk some each day. Sometimes, medicines can cause symptoms of depression. I know my husband is very sensitive in this way. He gets especially depressed while on decongestants, antibiotics and pain medication. Every person is different. I'm not saying that is the cause because there can be many. Just not feeling well is depressing in itself. You should feel very good knowing his cancer was caught early. Will keep you in my prayers.... God bless, sue
  16. Hi Mennie, First of all , I would like to welcome you to the group. There is a lot of information and so many wonderful kind, supportive people here. I'm not sure I can add anything to help you, but my husband is currently on Alimta, as well. He has had two treatments and he is tired. The only other side effect has been a rash he had this past week. He has nsclc and your husband has sclc, I believe. Each cancer case is unique in it's own and it's hard to compare. Tiredness is a side effect of most cancer treatment. To describe my husband's tiredness, I would have to say he needs extra naps and basically doesn't have the stamina to do much more than care for his own needs and run occassional errands. This hasn't been just due to Alimta, but the case throughout his treatments. I don't think there are many here on Alimta , but hopefully some others will come with information to help you. God Bless, sue
  17. One day at a time Cheryl and take strength from all the positive thoughts and prayers being sent your way. God Bless, sue
  18. TAnn, The news sounds really good!!! Stable , we can all live with. Sure hope the Tarceva is good to you. Will keep you in my prayers. Think positive... sue
  19. Wow Charlie, I know that must have been upsetting... Sure hope the next dosage goes better for you.. Keep us informed.. You are one of our guinea pigs.. lol My hubby is taking Alimta and had the rash this last treatment... not a severe rash, but it makes us nervous. sue
  20. Prayers for good results and successful surgery. sue
  21. Yodazz, Welcome to this family. I don't have answers to your questions , but I would like to comment that every case of cancer is different. I don't know if there is one answer to your question. I just want to let you know that this group is wonderfully supportive and you have come to the right place. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, your mom-in-law and your family . God Bless, sue
  22. Dr. Joe, I don't know what I can say that hasn't already been said. I tried to send you a Pm, but not sure it went thru. I've yet to learn my way around this site. I may not know my way around this site, but I know a god send when I see one and that is you Dr. Joe. The fact that you have given so much of yourself to this board to begin with is and has been so much appreciated by most of us. Please know that there aren't enough words to express appreciation for your unselfish gift. As a doctor, I am sure you have to give opinions that are challenged on a daily basis, but don't let that stop you. It seems to me that doctors have to be the most compassionate and the toughest people around. God Bless you Dr. Joe and please come back to us. We need you. Besides, you left before I could ask my questions... God Bless you, sue
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