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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. shineladysue


    (((Kasey))), I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Sending prayers out for you and your friend Angie. Sometimes it's really hard not to get down . You wrote this last night. I hope that tonight finds you a bit stronger and able to handle this. Luv ya, Sue
  2. ((((Kasey)))), I've been waiting for this report. Thank God for the wonderful news.I can exhale now too.. I do hope that something can be done for your pain. Love, Sue
  3. (((Lori))), It's sooo hard.. Love, Sue
  4. shineladysue


    Happy Dance for Mom!!! Yay Love, Sue
  5. Missy, My boys are 8 years apart . I wanted another, but my second wasn't "planned" either... but he was a blessing. Congratulations and God Bless. Love, Sue
  6. Muriel, Perfect, Yes!!!!!!! I can drink to that one. Such wonderful news. Sue
  7. Kim, I am so so very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love, Sue
  8. Frank, Don't know how I missed this. I seem to have missed a lot lately. My prayers to you and yours Frank. You continue to be a huge inspiration to us all. Love and Prayers, Sue
  9. shineladysue

    Pub's Open!

    Oh and to think I almost missed this. Count me in for bud light and chocolate doughnuts with Frank. Hugs to all for the good news , the worrisome news, for just having to be here. Love you all. Love, Sue
  10. Amanda, My husband experienced pneumonitis as a side effect of Alimta. The doctor was treating him for what he believed was lung infection, but CT scan showed a broken glass pattern in the lungs which , evidently ,shows as a reflection of the infection from pneumonitis. His SOB became severe and the only treatment was to stop Alimta and take high doses of Prednisone. He was also put on oxygen to aid his breathing. I always hesitate a moment before posting about this , but I think that it has become evident across this board that SOB and inflammation in the lungs is tied to Alimta therapy. I would take the time to search Alimta on the board and I think you will see a pattern worth taking note of and presenting to the oncologist. I would like to say that all people respond differently to different chemo treatments and what happened with my husband or others does not mean it will happen to another. I just wanted to share our experience in that it may help. Many prayers, Sue
  11. shineladysue

    Dear Mom

    Sarah, Your mom would be so proud of you. I'm sure she was and I believe is still proud of you. Your tribute is absolutely beautiful, touching and inspirational. Thank you for caring enough about us to share this. God Bless you. Love, Sue
  12. Wonderful news , Fred. You and Kasey are always in my prayers. Thanks for the update . You take care of yourself and that precious wife of yours. Love, Sue
  13. (((Cindy))) I understand!!! Love , Sue
  14. Bobby, May I suggest whyquit.com as an excellent site for information about quitting. It was through that site 3 years and 9 months ago that I quit smoking cold turkey. Smoking is an addiction and there is a lot of information there that may help. You can do this Bobby. Sue
  15. Two years and onward to many more... Yay, Carol. Love, Sue
  16. Sarah, My condolences to you and your family. May God be with you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  17. I am so very sorry you lost your dad. God Be with you and yours. Sue
  18. I am so very sorry for your loss. May God be with you and your family during this very difficult time. Love, Sue
  19. Happy New Year Everyone, My thoughts, prayers and best wishes are going out for all of you. Love, Sue
  20. Denise, I can't find the words , but I feel your pain. I'm so very sorry and I will keep you in my prayers. May 2007 bring with it new hope for all. God Bless, Sue
  21. ((((Pat)))), Here I sit, realizing that I will be spending my New Year's with no Mike to kiss and I'm sure you are entertaining similar thoughts, as well. Thank you so much for sharing this funny statement with us. It really did make me laugh. Well, laugh and cry at the same time, but wow could you send that guy my way? Feels good to smile and laugh..Here's To many smiles ahead in the new year... Love, Sue
  22. Happy Birthday Lilly!!! Sue
  23. Kim, Loved your story... That's how memories are made and smiles put in the heart.. Thanks for sharing. Love Sue
  24. (((Mitchell))), First of all , I want you to know that I feel your fear and your pain , but... I want you to read , read , read here at this site. There are no two cases of lung cancer that are the same. No two people are the same and there are advancements in medicine being made every day. There are people who beat this disease and you just have to hang on to that hope. In the meantime, you can bring all your hopes, fears and victories here because we do understand. Keep your chin up Mitchell and know you are not alone. Love & Prayers, Sue
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