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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Just a note. I am up at the Relay for Life tonight. I came home for a bathroom break. There is a good crowd and there LOTS of helpers with golf carts to help those who can not walk too far. Me and my crutches-I am using the carts a lot tonight. It is always so moving to go to these. There are so many who have been touched by cancer. The luminaries surround the walking track at the high school. It is 1/4 mile tack. That is a lot of candles. They will be lit at 9:00 PM so I need to get back up there. They have rocking chairs on the track for those of us (ME) who can not walk very far. They hve Bingo at 1 am and a poker run at 3 so the night will be full. Love to all, Cindy
  2. Get it checked. A port should not cause pain unless there is a problem Cindy
  3. Missed you!! Could not believe that was your pic when I saw your post!! Sorry about the problems but glad you are back Cindy
  4. Well just when I thought all was going well. BAM! The surgery I had on my right ankle last week went well, then on Tues this week the swelling got worse and the skin around the incision became red/purple. By Wed. afternoon it was worse so I went in and saw my reg Dr. here in town. Back on Cipro. This morning (Fri.) it was worse, the red/purple area was bigger and it was becoming more painful and swollen. So I went back in. This time he wanted IV antibiotics to get it under control. I can not stay in the hospital right now-this is Relay weekend-so I have to go in outpatient everyday for a week for IV antibiotics. I am about sick of this, my house is set up on levels. There are steps to each level. Me and the crutch are becoming best friends. Please keep me in your prayers. I just want to be NORMAL again, know what I mean?????????????????? Love Cindy
  5. I called her a few days ago and left a message on her phone. No call back-I will try again Mon. Betty if you see this-miss you. Cindy
  6. Betty-I called you this am to see how you were. I got the machine. I hate those things. But they are a necesary evil I suppose. I would miss alot of calls if I did not one. Praying all is still stable and you are LIVING well today! Love Cindy
  7. I bet it helps with breathing problems. I quit the first year then it got me again. The oncol. said it would not make any difference with treatment or life expectency. I have heard pros and cons. As for me I got so tired of feeling not normal, that is why I started again. Maybe one day I can put them down again and maybe for the last time. Cindy
  8. I really KNOW how that feels!! Thats how they found my cancer. I had coughed-from choking-so hard it displaced a rib-thus CXR and the diagnosis. Fay-take it easy and prayers that you heal fast. Cindy
  9. Lori-Make those celebration plans. I remember having parties for my mom when she went thru all her treatments. Those are some of the best memories!! Love Cindy
  10. Cindy RN


    I am now in my 4th yr!!! I had a relapse and did chemo-same as you mentioned-I have been off chemo since around Aug 2003. I am doing well. DO NOT LET THEM PUT YOU ALL OFF!!! sclc grows too fast to put it off. Time to look for another DR!! Cindy
  11. Hi Jen!! You have made it this far. You can do this. As mentioned before YOU set the tone for your treatment!! You go in there and talk about what you are going to do after treatments, talk about Christmas shopping!! Now that is planning ahaead. Love Cindy
  12. I am home and NOT feeling any pain I did get the bracket and screws to bring home. I DO NOT know what to do with them but the kids thought it was cool. Ha! I am up walking with crutches and should do fine. I did wake up DURING the procedure and I remember saying "Hey", -- then said --"I said you don't want me to be awake during this!!" Then I woke up later in another room. The nurse said it was funny, they just gave me more versed and I went right back to sleep. HA! I think I want some of that stuff to keep around home. Never know when it might come in handy. Love Cindy
  13. Cindy RN

    Jen / jca...

    Check in Jen!! Cindy
  14. I hate that he is in that kind of pain. The worst I had was with that neupogen, the bone pain is awful. I have never had screaming pain except having babies. Men don't have a clue about that pain. (sorry guys) That said, I do understand him trying to save money. It is so hard on us-(the ones who are costing our families a FORTUNE)- to not try to cut costs if we can. I have done it. I wish there was someway to go thru the treatments without it financially doing us in!! Tell Dave to hang in, he is in my prayers and so are you Karen. Cindy
  15. I too, have small cell extensive. It has been 4 yrs 2 mos since my diagnosis and am doing well at this time. You sound like maybe you are the sister to ne of our regulars on here. Her name is Jen. If not--Jen lives in Maryland, she might be able to help with locations to go in your area. She has done a lot of research on hospitals and Dr in that area. Good luck. Cindy
  16. Sandy- I agree with Fay-at least we have options today. I pray for good results and Fast recovery. You can still ride at the end of the summer!! Leaves changing color etc. Love Cindy
  17. I do understand. Time goes on and we have to also. I will miss you and know that you and your dad were important to us. Love Cindy
  18. SO glad to see your update, even tho it means you have the o2 on all the time. At least it does help. I remember when you got your scooter. I would of thought you had a w/c. Oh well glad you got it and can get out again. I was hoping to go to Fl. this summer for some of the attractions. I checked into all the places and they have scooters to rent. I know I would need one to get around those places. I am glad to see your pic up here again. Stay in touch. Cindy
  19. You just kill me with some of the ways you put words together. You are a talent! I never had to worry about the moustache BUT MY HAIR!! I wore hats (scarves really) and the one thing that was Nice about it was people KNEW what was wrong with me and they were always so nice! Let me go at the front of the line, take this chair, etc! NOW it's back to norm. I AM NOT COMPLAINING THO, I like normal! Cindy
  20. You will be a member SOON of the empty headed club. It is a great one to belong to. Prayers with you. Cindy
  21. Cindy RN

    Need surgery

    OK I am going to mount it I guess. I just think it would be cool to have it. I still have the stupid cast they put on the leg. It has so many signitures on it I can not pitch it. Ha, what a pack rat! Me
  22. Cindy RN

    Side Effects?

    I do not have any experience with this one-I am sure there is someone who has some info for you. Cindy
  23. This is getting scary!! KAREN-LET HIM POST please
  24. ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))) You have my prayers. Cindy
  25. Add me to those who are praying for you and your family. Cindy
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