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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Bet's I am not sure what to say. You and I both know that this road has been a hard one but we have met SOOOO many new friends along it. We have been friends on here for along time. What you wrote had to be hard. I admire you for it. Some will never be able to say the words you put in print, it is just to hard. They slip off and we are left not knowing what happened. YOU---are so special, our pm's back and forth are all saved in my mailbox and I looked back thru them this morning. You have this wonderful sense of humor and great compassion. Please call me when you are able. All my love and prayers are with you. Keep your eye's on Him and He will lead you. Love Cindy
  2. Cindy RN


    They would be so happy the way you are dealing with this. So sorry for your loss. Cindy
  3. RUN do not walk to the nearest Cancer Facility. You need to find a second opinion NOW!! I am not familiar with the area you are in so you need to post this message in the general forum and see if anyone there can refer you to someone. Good luck, prayers with your sis, Cindy
  4. Cindy RN

    KatieB 4000

    Can not say thank you enough!!!!!!!!!!! You have made your daddy proud. Cindy
  5. Give her a few days to see how she does on it this time. She really needs this for the pain, it should help reduce it. IF she is having to many SE then call the DR. DO NOT STOP TAKING THIS MED WITHOUT THE DR KNOWING ABOUT IT.!!!!! Good Luck, Cindy
  6. From a med point of view-he will be treated with drugs for gastric cancer, not lung cancer. He needs to be at a cancer clinic. Try to help them locate one. Good luck- Cindy
  7. Cindy RN


    Welcome Welcome Welcome to the empty headed club. Cindy
  8. Cindy RN


    Somedays it feels like it was yesterday my mom was here. This July it will be 11 yrs since she died of nsclc. Glad to see you still in your studies-your mom would be proud. Cindy
  9. I saw the onco. on Mon. I got the results of the reg. CT's and all are still neg!!!!!!!!!!!! Even the effusion is smaller. It has now been over 4 years since they found this life changing (to say the least!) disease. Thanks to all on here who have been here for me. I have been on these boards now since the first month and it has been wonderful knowing-day or NIGHT I can get on here and someone is out there that totally understands where I am at! Cindy
  10. I saw the onco. on Mon. I got the results of the reg. CT's and all are still neg!!!!!!!!!!!! Even the effusion is smaller. It has now been over 4 years since they found this life changing (to say the least!) disease. Thanks to all on here who have been here for me. I have been on these boards now since the first month and it has been wonderful knowing-day or NIGHT I can get on here and someone is out there that totally understands where I am at! Cindy
  11. My prayers are with you Cindy
  12. wonderful!!!!!!!! NEWS!!!!!!!!!!! To God be the glory Cindy
  13. Everybody is correct-the cisplatin is the first line drug for sclc. The VP-16 or camptosar seem to be used with it. The cisplatin is 1x every month and the other is usually 1x a week x 3 weeks with 1 week off then start over again. NOTE- this is the common thing seen not written in stone. Some get radiation with the chemo and some get it after the chemo----some do not get it at all. I did not get it the first go around. The second time it came back it was one tumor and I got the radiation with the chemo. Ask lots of questions when you all see the Dr he SHOULD be glad to answer them for you. Good Luck!! Cindy
  14. Cindy RN

    5 for 3/27/05

    1. Easter 2. My family 3. Big dinner together 4. This website 5. Alive for my 5th Easter since diagnosis
  15. I know that pain of losing my mom to lung ca. Mine died of nsclc on July 5, 1994. It has been hard, esp. at the beginning. I have gotten thru it by remembering that she has just gone on and I have not seen her for awhile. Some day I will SEE her again. God be with you. Cindy
  16. I Just Love GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!! You are great!! Love Cindy
  17. Angie-I am so sorry for your loss. Love Cindy
  18. Fay- Hoppy Easter!!! Try to enjoy the time you have before the surgery. Love Cindy
  19. Cindy RN

    med question

    I have no idea about the full feeling. The hiccups tho are sometimes relieved with thorazine. Ask for it. Good Luck, Cindy
  20. Prayers going up for you: Father-We thank you for your presence in our lives, thank You for sending Your Son to die and rise again from death so that we might believe and have life with You forever. Lord I ask that You be with Shirley's mom and her family right now. They are in need of Your calming hand on them. Lord I ask that if it be Your will then heal her her mom. We know it is always in Your hands and we trust in you for everything. We ask these things all in Your wonderful name-Amen
  21. That is all we can ask for at the end---peace. Prayers with you. Cindy
  22. They changed it because they found the larger cell was different. I think they also wanted to confuse us. Small cell and non-small cell. Why not small and large cell?????????
  23. The sublingal is under the tongue. I had some of those a few yrs ago. I thought they worked faster than the reg ones. Good luck finding someone who can use them I had meds left over-I left messages thru the nurses at the oncol. unit and I did find ones who could use them. Cindy
  24. YES!!! AMBIEN, it works very well for me. I tried the xanax at bedtime but I get a much better rest with the ambien. I hate you having such a bad time at night. Love Cindy
  25. Andrea-I donated but did not put anything in the memo-Maybe Katie can catch it. You are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cindy
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