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Everything posted by Kaffie

  1. I'm so sorry for what is happening with your MIL I'm keeping my prayers going for a good scan Kathy
  2. dani, Welcome.. Wouldn't it be nice if we could go back to our pre cancer days, when we were nieve (sp?) and just went about out everyday lives? We can do our best but as Don said there is a new normal in our life, we take it from there and do the best we can. With time things will get easier for you and your family Kathy
  3. Kaffie

    Been Gone To Long

    Hi Skye, Nice to see you post, yes there have been some very sad things happening here, but we have to remember there are some very GOOD things going on, also Kathy
  4. I think it would be worse to have B.O. What feels worse A Migraine headache or a toothache
  5. Kaffie

    MRI results

    Mary, My thoughts are with you, I'm so sorry for this new development Kathy
  6. It is a wonder I still have my sanity
  7. ITEMS OF CLOTHING 1. Shirt 2. Bra 3. Boxer shorts 4. Socks 5. Shoes 6. Undies 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13
  8. I had pain, but no numbness. I'd contact the doctor immediately you haven't come this far to risk losing the battle to a side effect from a drug Kathy
  9. Oh Randy, that was a heartbreaking post
  10. I think you'd be perfect for this career, you have a big heart, you are a very compassionate and caring person, judging by your posts. It's nice to find your calling young in life, you'll enjoy your chosen field. Good luck Kathy
  11. Prayers for you and your family are on the way
  12. Great news, good to see you post I'm very happy your you all! kathy
  13. Welcome Jan, I'm happy you decided to post, now instead of just reading you can ask specific questions and get the answers you are looking for from the people with the knowledge. Kathy
  14. I think I'll join Cindi in honor of Tiny... Serve it up, please
  15. Kaffie

    Good News!

    Totally awesome Six month wait is normal, my doctor says when the scan is so clean there is no reason to take one in three months because on the off chance that something would be there it wouldn't show up for at least six months. Good news for you and your family Kathy
  16. Contrary to what some people believe LC CAN be beat
  17. I'm a Lotus Elise and I don't know what it is but I agree with Maryanne, it's neat looking Kathy
  18. I remember the post, tragic
  19. No doubt, invisible, I'm too snoopy for my own good. Kathy
  20. Jenny, I'm so sorry, the recurrence can be worse than the original diagnosis on an emotional level. I agree with the 2nd opinion, now is the time to get seriously comfortable with your doctors. Read profiles, there are many peple who have had long live after recurrence. Good luck Kathy
  21. Welcome Siobhan, I'm so sorry you and your partner have to go through this horrible stuff, it's scary and at times very lonely. You already know the caring and support to be found here, there is also a wealth of information here. Kathy
  22. I'm so sorry to hear this, please accept my condolences Kathy
  23. Great news!!!! One year is our first BIG mile stone. I'm tipping my glass, at Cindi's Pub, to many many many more years Kathy
  24. Hi Liz, Welcome, as you can see the statistics are something to be ignored. What you need s a doctor with a better attitude and a game plan in order that makes sense. Don had some great advice..... Take a few minutes and read through some of the profiles on this site. The amount of late stagers that are here and doing very well is amazing. It will give hope and understanding that a late stage is not always a death sentence, look at Cindi. I'm sooo sorry you and your mother have to go through this, know that you are not alone. You can come here for advice, support, venting or anything else you can think of. Kathy
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