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Everything posted by Kaffie

  1. Cograts on your 3 years I'm tipping my glass to another 30 Kathy
  2. I had my 6 month CT scan last month and when I went in to see my doctor for the results he said he'd recently been to a conference and there is now evidence of stage 1A benefiting from chemo. I took it and I am glad I did. I wish there were some magic wand to wave over us and tell us which of us are going to get lucky and which are going to get the dreaded recurrence but I have to agree with Rich B, all it takes is ONE cell to break away from the original tumor and it will park itself either in a lung or on another organ in your body and begin multiplying. It's a tough choice and a very personal one. Kathy
  3. Great news Gail, I'm so happy for you Kathy
  4. Talk about proud Do you have any idea how much hope and inspiration you offer to the people here?? It's easy to see why you are such a loved and respected man, I hope I'll be invited when you reach that 100th Birthday goal of yours Kathy
  5. Welcome Krissie You've found the right place for support, answers and helping to keep a positive attitude Post any and all concerns and you will get answers Kathy
  6. Watching then trying and trying again
  7. Lori Sounds like things are finally on their way to becoming a little more manageable for you. You've really had a rough go of it. Good luck, your mother has been so lucky to have you for a daughter, she should feel proud to know that she did something very right in raising you Kathy
  8. Add me to this prayer chain, I'm so sorry, you must be feeling overwhelmed now. My heart goes out to you and your whole family Kathy
  9. Kaffie


    Happy happy Birthday Hope you have big plans with your family Kathy
  10. Kaffie

    Good News

    Ohhh, that worrying. I don't think there is anything we can do to stop it, I guess it's part of the ct scan process I think most of us can identify with it. But, you have 4 good years behind you and there is NO reason to feel that you won't have 40 more ahead of you The power of prayer is behind you and you already know that with this online family of yours the prayers will be going in full force. I have a good feeling about that. Take care, Kathy
  11. Kaffie

    My dad is gone..

    Jorja, Im so sorry, you and your family are in my prayers Kathy
  12. I'm with Sue FAT, medium point, preferable blue
  13. This is great! keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you. I don't understand the HCG but I'm praying it doubles for you Kathy
  14. Pinkp There are others here who had breast cancer and then turned around and got lung cancer. I'm sorry you are going through this, I think those who have been through what you are going through will be of tremendous help to you for information, the rest of us can help through prayer and support. Remember, here we never get tired of your venting, or questions or fears, that is why we are here, we go all through it together. Kathy
  15. Pinkp, Welcome to our family. We'd love to hear about you Please post and let us know how we can be of help Kathy
  16. Kaffie

    I'm so proud!!

    Whew, 80 miles, your bike much be exhausted
  17. spaceyjane Mine was discovered by accident also. They were looking for reasons for my arthritis pain. I had several x-rays at various angles and a spot showed up on one of the films. I had surgery to remove the "spot" and that's when they discovered it was cancer. They weren't positive it was cancer until they actually got in there to remove it. I was given the option of chemo or not and I chose to take it. Kathy
  18. Welcome Shirlie I had the same chemo as you and I did lose my hair but couldn't stand the tight hot feeling of the wig so I wore hats and scarves. I did pretty well on the first two treatments but by the third I was feeling pretty sick. There is medication for that and it did help a lot. Good luck and keep us posted Kathy
  19. Great news, I'm happy for you and your family Kathy
  20. Kaffie

    Latest Scan

    Sounds good to me Now if the British NHS would just cooperate and pay for that tarceva... Kathy
  21. Fantastic news One thing I can tell you for sure, Just when you think you've felt every emotion there is to feel along comes that grandchild and you feel a whole new kind of love, it's totally awesome Kathy
  22. I'm keeping my fingers crossed also, a little bun in the oven would be just what it takes to raise our spirits. Good luck Kathy
  23. It's all so frustrating, Breast cancer for women and prostate cancer for men, those tend to get the support around my area. I'm thinking so many of these corporations are somewhat intimidated to be the first to actually offer support to the "smoker's" cancer? Geez, talk about ignorance
  24. Kaffie

    Kasey 2000

    Kasey, Your posts just shine with your big heart and genuine caring for your fellow LCSC family You always have words of wisdom and kindness We appreciate and need you here Thank you Kathy
  25. Don, I'm late with my response but I know that refrigerated aloe vera is great relief for a bad sun burn. My ex used it for radiation burn and when it was refrigerated it felt so much better Hope its helping Kathy
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