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Everything posted by Kaffie

  1. Welcome to our family, There are several late stage survivors here in their thirties, unfortunately this awful stuff does not discriminate when it comes to age. If you haven't read profiles yet go ahead and read some and you will find you are not at all alone. I wish you the best and pray hard for your recovery Kathy
  2. I was told they get a better picture with the contrast, I have had it for every scan. There is some risk but according to my doctor it is much lower than not scanning, I tend to agree. Kathy
  3. Welcome Mel Please let us know the results of your MIL's scan. Kathy
  4. Welcome Gloria and Anne, I'm so happy you found us, I see there has been many responses from stage 4 survivors. As you can see statistics are something to ignore. Kathy
  5. Welcome Molly, I am amazed at what you have already endured.. Love that attitude of yours, it is proven that a positive attitude can do a lot towards healing Kathy
  6. Kaffie


    A very happy Birthday to all of you May babies Here's to many many more birthdays for each of you Kathy
  7. Well, Congratulations Grandma Joanie Isn't that first grandchild a little miracle? (and all future, I have two) Enjoy the fun Kathy
  8. Welcome Jackie, I'm sorry your family has to deal with this stuff. As has been said there are many long term survivors here and many who are considered cured. Your mother is wise not to get too involved in the statistics she reads on line. Bring her here, she will get lots of positive support and information Kathy
  9. Mike, I'm so sorry for your loss. Yes, this disease is horrible stuff. God bless you and your family Kathy
  10. Welcome Lori, I know the shock factor you speak of, by accident is how most early stages are found because there are no real symptoms to speak of. Mine was found while looking at the damage I had done to my neck while playing with my grand-daughter, we were doing somersaults. I hope they get you an accurate diagnosis and a plan implemented to get this stuff out of your body just as soon as possible. Kathy
  11. Sounds like life is finally talking a calming turn for you., I'm happy you and your brother were able to save your mothers house and congrats on your new one. Enjoy your vacation, you certainly have earned it Kathy
  12. Coffee It used to be cigarettes, hands down Kathy
  13. Wow....40000 Bless your kind heart for all you have done for the people here. Not only are you an avid poster but you spend so much time doing very helpful research. Thank you Kathy
  14. Love it What a great post, I love these Kathy
  15. Kaffie

    My Dad is at Peace

    Nancy, I've so very sorry for your loss, the fact that you were with him felt that sense of peace will be with you forever and carry you through some rough times God bless Kathy
  16. What a great feeling it is to hit that one year anniversary Look forward to your hitting two then three then four and on and on.... Kathy
  17. Kaffie


    Congrats on the shrinkage Keeping my fingers crossed for more Kathy
  18. Oh, yes, I sure do. I get so paranoid about it I'm afraid I'm going to will myself to get it Kath
  19. Kaffie

    One year

    Congrats Bill Enjoy your vacation knowing you are in good health Kathy
  20. Don and Lucie Please add me to the long list of people praying for the very best for you both. Sending positive thoughts that Lucie will be feeling well for the graduation Kathy
  21. Kaffie

    It is done.

    Suzie I'm sorry to read of the loss of your mother. It is so hard to lose a parent. Take care of yourself and know that she is at peace Kathy
  22. Kaffie

    5 years!

    Happy anniversary Gail I hope every new poster takes the time to read your profile, they will see what an amazing woman you are, what an inspiration to so many Kathy
  23. TAnn I'm so sorry you've had it so rough lately, praying hard that the doctor can come up with a plan that will work better and get you up and going strong again Kathy
  24. Kaffie

    A year for me too...

    Happy happy anniversary Tipping my glass to many more years of good health Kathy
  25. Jim, I'm so sorry you haven't found the magic drug to kick this stuff out of your body for good. praying very hard that Tarceva will do the trick Kathy
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