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Everything posted by Kaffie

  1. Very happy for you, Kelly Great news Kathy
  2. Kaffie

    Such Happy News

    What great news I'm so happy for you and your family, enjoy that wedding Kathy
  3. Welcome, There are many long term survivors here, proving the outdated stats wrong.
  4. Kathleen Susan not after anyone in particular
  5. Faces, I'm horrible with names
  6. Thinking of you Nancy Praying hard kathy
  7. My mother 's side...Ernest My father's side...Jake Can'r remember middle names
  8. Kaffie

    Prayers for Nancy B

    Thinking of Nancy, and praying hard for good news Kathy
  9. My best friend since I was in the 8th grade had the guts to ask me if I still smoke when I told her I had cancer It made me feel awful that she of all people would say that. I hate it that people think I should be over it by now. I'm early stage, the 16th of this month will be two years since my surgery but since I am NED, even my family seems to feel I should be beyond this by now, or more likely they are tired of hearing about it.. Because I belong to this support group I have been told that I am dwelling on it and am actually going to "will" it back into my body. I should have moved on by now and when I am due for scans, no one seems to give it a 2nd thought but me. They don't want to have to worry about me any more. I think most people still have this naive notion that once NED, always NED. Like Debi, I wanted to recover at my own home, but didn't get the courtesy. Instead of anyone staying here, I had to go to them. I think that was wrong, I was the sick one, I was the one who needed the comfort of my own bed. I don't even want to think of what is going to happen in 18 months when I have to TRY to get my own medical insurance. Right now I am on Cobra so I am still covered, but what insurance company will take me with a history of lung cancer and arthritis? I have to wear a pain patch for the arthritis which is very expensive. I shudder to think of my premiums IF I am able to find coverage. I don't qualify for Social Security. I'm single, what if I want to get married some day, who in their right mind would want someone with a history of lung cancer? HA! I'd think twice before taking on someone like me. I hate living every day of my life asking myself all of these questions, they are all valid and in addition to them and many many more, I worry every day that this stuff will come back... I'm tired of being tired, I'm tired of being SOB, I'm tired of the look in people's eyes if I happen to mention this disease because THEY are tired of my mentioning it. I'm just plain tired of this disease. I am not working right now but chemo did something to my body, I know that when I go back to work, which needs to be soon, I will not have the strength to work full time. I'll be lucky to manage part time. Oh Sheesh, I could vent a books worth kathy
  10. Wow, sorry you had to come back. I hope your cousin finds this site, I know it will be helpful kathy
  11. Kaffie

    Frank Lamb

    Hi Frank, I'd like to know how you are doing, also. Fill us in? Kathy
  12. I'm so very to see your mother lost her battle with this awful stuff. My heart goes out to you and your family Kathy
  13. Welcome Susan, Im sorry to hear of your father's diagnsis. As others have said, this stuff CAN be beat. There are people here who will have answers to most of thsoe questions of yours Kathy
  14. I read this and could not come up with anything to say that would even begin to say how sorry I am..I cannot even imagine what it would be like to have to watch your child go through something like this. My heart breaks for your whole family
  15. I can totally understand why so many people gve up who can't get pain relief. I agree your friends needs to go to a pain relief center if his docors can't help
  16. Great news, I'm so happy for her
  17. An alligator, I hate alligaor's
  18. Good to see you post, so happy to read that things are going well and you still have NED in your life Kathy
  19. You've hit your first big milestone Here's shooting for 50
  20. Praying the surgery was a success and Dave's back pain will disappear Kathy
  21. Huge applause I'll get fancy and take a strawberry margarita this time Kathy
  22. Hi Deb My doctor told me that my lung would stretch out and fill in the empty space. That was way back when it was first taken out and I was still in shock over the diagnosis. I had actually forgotten about it until I read this post. Seems like soemthing to important to forget but I guess it's also an example of why we should take notebooks with us to our visits, so we don't forget the important stuff. Now I have to wonder, if we have 2 full sized lungs again, WHY are we still so SOB?
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