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PET Results

Guest mona61

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Hello Everyone, I am so glad to have all of you as new friends. We have unbelievable news. 3 months ago they had staged my husband at 3b inoperable and interferring with breathing. They did not have alot of hope for him. But now we got news that tumor is gone and no lymph nodes have lit up. I dont understand how this could have happened. I have never saw results like this everywhere I have looked. I feel so happy today. My husband seems to think that it is his holy water (lol that is what he calls it) food grade hydrogen peroxide with water and asboric acid with juice, that he has been using since this has all happened. They still want him to do 4 rounds of once every 3 weeks carbo and taxol like what he had before. Dont really know why they would make him go through that if cancer is gone. We are still going for second opinion tomorrow. I almost feel like someone should pinch me and wake me up. I wish that everyone could have the results that my husband has had. I pray for everyone everyday with this terrible disease.

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I'm so gald that you all have had the wonderful news!

I just want you to now that I think the suggestion of "preventative chemo" is a great idea.

My mother was supposed to be on a regimen of the same. She elected not to do so. She was stage 3b and inoperable, as well. She was fine for about a year, and then brain mets were found. She often wonders what would have happened had she done the chemo even after scans were clear.

Good luck to you and your husband. Remember, everyone is different and no one has the exact same response to treatment, your husband just might have the miracle we all hope for. :)


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