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In Desparate Need of Prayers


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I am beyond words for you both. Call social services, call the county, call the red cross, call the american cancer society. There are services available to people without medical coverage and assistance programs that will help with your meds.

If you need help I will make calls for you too.

all my prayers,


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Dear Elaine,

My heart goes out to you after reading your incredible story. You and your husband are being tortured by these bums and you need to contact a lawyer immediately to see how you can make them pay. And they should pay dearly for behaving like snakes. I will keep you in my prayers and I truly believe your husband will, in the end, be better off without these ***####. Please try to keep a positive attitude and know that this entire group of friends are behind you 1000%.


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This is totally unacceptable conduct...of course, with George in the White House-taking big bites out of what few protections are in place for vulnerable people and doing so all in the name of "keeping jobs in America"-I am not surprized.

Do you mind sharing the name and location of your husband's former employer with us. We could look into a boycott of his products...or boycotting products made with what ever he makes and sells. And a nice little letter from the 1500 plus of us telling him WHY we're doing so?

I'm serious about this...this should not be allowed to happen without SOME kind of consequence for the owner. And talking to an attorney about wrongful termination sounds like a good idea.

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Thank you Fay for bringing up one thing that I thought of all last night.

"Compassionate conservatism." --these so called "People" who employed my husband are, of course, republican as is most of this state.

This is what this county is in for, with Bush calling this a mandate. What little protections we now have, are because of democrats, the latest being Bill Clinton--who mandated COBRA and the FMLA.

He would have seen to it that all Americans had healthcare coverage, if most of you remember.

With Bush choosing Supreme Court Justices, expect to lose just about every right, except the right to make the have-nots suffer, more.

I used to be a "have." I felt this way then, too.

I thought last night, someday someone in my husband's ex bosses family will have a "moral failing" as they like to call such things. Who will be in place to protect the rights of those people--let's say people with too much body fat, or who aren't a certain religion?

I think I know the true "moral failings"-------and smoking and overeating aren't at the top of the list.

I don't have the evil in me to wish any of this on even my worst enemy.

Added: Pls excuse my political rant, because I hold no anymosity toward most republicans, only those in power who tend to abuse that power. That DOES NOT include the vast majority of people who support the current president.


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Elaine Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:06 pm Post subject: In Desparate Need of Prayers


If truth be told, one of the reasons I did not choose treatment was financial, plus I feared my husband would lose his job if the small company he worked for had to pay increased insurance premiums ...

Today he was let go.


Elaine :

Sorry to hear about your financial plight. This scenario is becoming all too common. If you can't afford COBRA there should be one or more public assistance programs in your county specifically designed to assist with expenses related to catastrophic / life-threatening illness. You'll have to qualify but if you and your husband are unemployed that eliminates a major obstacle. You will have to " spend down " certain assets but your house and one car are usually exempt in these programs. Your local hospital patient billing dept. can inform you as to what programs are available in your area. Also, as you know, there are several free clinical trials that you can explore and many pharmaceutical companies will provide your meds free or at greatly reduced cost if you financially qualify.

Good luck.

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My husband's ex company designs, manufactures and sells industrial conveyors mostly for grain operations. I doubt many of us buy those, but I appreciate the thought.

As for the letter, I think he better contact an attorney before we do anything. so pls no one call them just yet!


My state has a website where you can punch in your numbers to see if you qualify for the benefits. Assuming my husband gets unemployment at the maximum level, we do not qualify for any of the aid including food stamps. But if he is not employed after 26 weeks, then we obvioulsy would, but how we would live would be beyond me. I do hope we now are eligible for prescription coverage from the drug companies. Though as you know it is usually just the expensive drugs that can be had that way. The little Rxs sure do add up.

I think our COBRA will be around 400 a month. I think. That is if his company is one that has to offer it. NOt sure on that. yet.

Thanks to all of you for your words of support. You have truly been a lifeline for me many times and now more than ever!

Thanks from the bottom of my heart.


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All political thoughts aside (I don't believe they belong in a lung cancer support web site) as I AM one of the compassionate Republicans some of you refer to, I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. You and your husband have both gotten a rotten deal and no one should be treated in this manner. I do believe with God, all things are possible.


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I definately believe that there are many, many compassionate conservatives. I just don't see that there are many of them in postions of political power, which sometimes includes people who own or run businesses--from small to large corporations. This is an opinion, of course, but it is based on observation, fact, research, and personal experience.

When politics is part and parcel of what money does and does not go into lc research, treatment and medical care for those who have "less"--I think such issues do belong on such a board.

Political failures subtract from the support that is available. This board is merely one aspect of support. However, the mission of this organization mentions more than just emotional and informational support.

I recognize my comments may seem harsh. As a liberal, I have turned on many a radio and tv station and heard many harsh comments aimed at me--and not merely at those who represent me. You may have heard liberals attacking conservatives, and for that, I truly find regretful.

Again, I will say--what I had to say IS NOT directed at the vast majority of "conservatives." It is directed at policy makers and those appointed to direct and apply such policies--be it consiously or subconsiously-whether they know or do not know the outcomes of those policies. In my opinion, they ought to know the results of those policies.

Jean, your comments to me, show you are a compassinate person, regardless of your political stance.

What I can't really understand is how the word "compassion" became political at all. Isn't it a HUMAN trait. It seems to me that use of such an adjective is defensive at the least and manipulative at the worst.

elaine, who is hopping angry on an intellectual level and not on a personal level--at anyone, least of all anyone on this board fighting the same fight I am.

Two of my best friends (and maybe many more) are die hard Republicans--I do see the irony in me making such a statement.

This anger is keeping me going.

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(((((((((Elaine and Husband))))))) This kind of stuff makes me physically ill!!!!! Something has to be done about the lack of health care in the USA. This country should be ashamed to allow this state of affairs. We are larger and wealthier than most of the countries that offer free health care to there citizens!!!!!! Now I will step down from my soapbox.

I wonder if writing your local congressman, or better yet going to the local TV station and telling them would help? The TV here in Fla loves this kind of story!!! It might be worth a shot to get them involved and bring it out in the open? An attorney is a good idea. I wish you all the luck in the world in this> As though you don't have enough on your plate

geez................................. Prayers, and blessings comin at ya



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That's horrible. Have nothing to add to the already excellent advice you've been given. Just want to say I'll be praying for you and your husband (and that God kicks his former employer in the butt).

I never realized, before coming to this forum, just how damaging is the attitude that "you asked for it" when it comes to treating lung cancer. We all have bad habits that can potentially come back and bite us in the a$$. Just because someone's luck still holds, is no reason to look down on someone whose luck ran out. The good LORD is showing me just how evil some of my past attitudes were, and I'm sorry.

Learning a lot from you guys that has nothing to do with cancer.

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This is terrible. I think you should get legal advice. In the meantime, let's find him a job. Please PM me with his resume, skills, etc. I will try to help in some way. I like the idea of contacting the local paper with your special interest story using the angle of LC awareness month. Let me know what I can do to help. Praying for you and your husband. Take care.

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I am so sorry you and your husband are going through this. It is truly amazing the way people can act when it comes down to the almighty dollar! I have experienced this myself since being diagnosed with lung cancer. I agree with everyone else. Contact a lawyer. See what your rights are. I think it is horrible that you did not seek treatment because the premiums would go up for your husband's company. Looking back, do you think you should have? If the premiums went up, I think that employer would have had a more difficult time getting rid of your husband. Then it would have been obvious and documented why and that's illegal! It makes me so mad that our lives are taken down to money.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do. That employer deserves whatever he gets!


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Geoff and I just read this last night and experienced such a range of emotions upon completion (disbelief, anger, sorrow, etc.). We are so tremendously sorry (and outraged) that this has happened to you and your husband.

Geoff runs a company (and, let me assure you, does not treat his employees this way! Ever.)--and thus, has insight that I do not on the matter. He, too, said "hire a lawyer". Find one that will take you on contingency.

We want so desperately to A) throttle your employer and, more importantly, B) find a way to help you both.

Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Melinda (and Geoff)

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