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update on Tim's intolerance t o morphine sulphate


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It's been a whirlwind few days. Tim tried three different pain killers and ended up so ill (pain and vomiting) we took him to the emergency room. Turned out an xray showed a kind of obstruction in bowl again so he was admitted. The cancer is now in liver and I guess the intestine, thus the pain.

He's coming home tomorrow and hospice has been invited in. This is so difficult to comprehend. He is being a real trooper and will be glad to come home. All our kids will be home a couple days after Christmas.

I just don't know what to expect and can't believe our lives have taken such a turn.

He's coming home not to die, but rather to live the rest of his life.

Trying to be brave,


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Cyndy, I'm so sorry. I'm sure that "trying to be brave" is hard to do. I've projected that in my own mind if it ever comes to that for us, and can't even imagine how you are feeling right now.

Hang in there, hon. I hope you know we are all here for you. Don't hesitate to hop on here every day if you have to, or 10 times a day. We're here to listen and love you.



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there is luck here. lucky for him that you are in his life. and lucky for you that you can love and care so.

i remember the day i had to buy morphine for my then terminally ill wife. it seemed difficult at moments. but i found a peace in loving, caring for, and helping another that i've not matched before of since.

it was okay for me each moment if could break out the moments from the stream of appearances.

may much peace and many blessing rain upon you and your loved one.


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I marvel at your strength and attitude. This can certainly be a time of love and laughter. I would lie with Earl and we would reminise (spell check where are you) and laugh about our life's adventures.

It is good that he is coming home and that your children are coming to visit. I will keep you both in my prayers.

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Cyndy & Tim -- how sorry I am that you have to go through this.

I had a dear friend who had an attitude that sounds like Tim's -- he knew he had a limited time to live, but said he never wanted to be seen as "dying." So, that's how we saw him -- he was never "dying" -- always living. And live he did -- every minute.

Try to enjoy your holidays and your family -- they are very precious.


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I am so sorry, but I keep hope alive that once Tim's pain is managed he can regain strength. Pain knocks so much out of person.

I wish you peaceful days ahead. I hope you know how many friends you have here, and I for one wish I could be closer or do more or know the right thing to say or do.

Just follow your hearts.

love and fortitude


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