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More news on my Uncle****UPDATED****

Angie Daughter of Bill

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As I told you all, my Mom's brother is in the hospital. The doctor's believed it was LC with mets to the brain.

Yesterday the doctor did a needle biopsy of a swollen lymph node. It came back this morning as Small Cell Lung Cancer. Obsiously he would be extensive stage. The doctor said that if no treatment was given, he wouldn't last six weeks. :cry: If treatment is given, then who knows........the biggest problem is that the brain met is soooo large. The doctor's first said it was the sixe of a plum. Now they are saying that it is a bit bigger than a plum. How could he have such a large brain met and not have symptoms????? My Dad's largest brain met is 8mm and I was seeing symptoms in him. Hmmmmmmmmm................

Right now the plan is to start radiation to his brain. They are going to try to shrink the brain met and give my uncle some "quality of life". According to his daughter, the doctor's haven't mentioned chemo yet. If they don't mention chemo in the next couple of days, I'm going to have to march my fanny to the doctor's office and see what is going on there. (IF and ONLY IF my uncle wants to do chemo and live as long as he can)

On a happier note, Dad is doing really well with the WBR. The steroids have him pumped up. I know that steroids can be bad, but when someone goes from being in the bed almost 24/7 to getting out and enjoying the things that they love..........well, it's worth it to me.

If I don't check in here for a few days (yeah, right!) it's because I'm really busy with my Dad and his WBR, visiting my Uncle in the hospital and attending various Christmas parties. I wish you all love!!!


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Golly, Angie, it just never ends does it?

I just wanted to mention that I don't think they can or will give chemo while someone is receiving WBR. I guess I would never say never, but I know there are reasons why they don't. I know that even people on here have had to stop or delay their chemo, Iressa, etc. while they got WBR.

I also know that SCLC is fast-growing, so the need for chemo is also great. Maybe you should ask about it on Ask the Experts.

Big prayers for you and all your family.



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Send lots of love and prayers your way!

Your uncle's diagnosis sounds like a close family friend a few weeks ago--he was a littlet dizzy,went to drs, they said no big deal; couldn't get out of bed one day, ambulance was called, turned out to be SCLC with mets to brain and liver. They had to do brain radiation first to shrink the tumor before they could start chemo. So he had 10 days of brain radiation and a week off and then first starts chemo tomorrow. So maybe with your u ncle they just didn't mention the chemo yet since it comes second.

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DUH!!!!! I forgot that you couldn't do WBR with chemo. I should KNOW that. Dad was going to start chemo but couldn't because of WBR. I'm just a little excitable as you all can imagine. I'm a "fixer". I want to "fix" everything. I guess everything is not in MY hands.

Thanks for reminding me of the chemo/WBR deal. I don't know where my mind was. All I could think was..........small cell........he needs chemo fast.

Love to all!

In my thoughts and prayers~~~


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I think chemo should be done asap. There is no conflict on doing chemo & radiation at the same time, right? Although I am not sure but I think chemo is necessary to be started asap for prolonging the life. Moreover, chemo works perfect for SCLC especially the initial round.

I think time means something. At least we have tried our best and it allows time for your uncle and the family to accept this sudden happening.

I will keep your uncle and dad in my prayers. You would be a great source of your uncle.

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Angie, what about doing gamma knife or RFA to the brain met? do you know if that's been discussed or is a possibility?

I just don't want to think that this is a death sentence. Dave has extensive SCLC and even though he's met is in his skull, not his brain, looks like he's licked it.

Regardless, prayers for your family. Just when I thought I had been under the most stress, I think you got me beat.

Hang in there, sweetie.

God Bless,

Karen C.

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Just came from taking Dad to radiation and visiting with my uncle. (my uncle was waiting to see the doctor that my Dad sees at the same time that I took Dad for treatment) They are making the mask for WBR right now as I type. They are going to also do his first WBR tx. today. After that, they are sending him upstairs to the oncologists office for chemo tx. Not sure what kind yet. My uncle didn't know. He did say that the doctor thought it would be rough on him doing the chemo and WBR at the same time, but it seems it's the only option. The doctor said they have to get some chemo in him NOW! After his radiation and chemo today, my uncle will go back to the hospital. When we asked the doctor when he might get to come home, he said that we weren't going to talk about that right now. The doctor wants the double vision and dizziness completely gone before they will release him. Right now they are not allowing my uncle to get out of bed for fear of falling and hurting himself.

All of the nurses looked at me like I was crazy when I was there talking to my uncle in the radiation oncologist's office. They all looked puzzled. At first they thought my Dad had taken a turn for the worse. When I explained the situation, they all just shook their heads in disbelief. On a good note, they all promised me that they would take really good care of my uncle. They said that they knew I would be in there to "straighten them up" if they didn't. :wink: (they have got to know me pretty well, huh??)

So right now it's just one foot in front of the other. At times I'm stumbling and tripping a little, but all in all I'm doing o.k. When my uncle gets out of the hospital I will most likely be taking him for radiation treatments right along with my Dad. Ohhhhhh somebody help me..........two men on STEROIDS!! :lol: (no harm meant to those on steroids...........just trying to keep my sense of humor through all of this mess) I feel better now that we have a plan.

Love to all!!!

In my thoughts and prayers~~~


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Angie, I feel your pain with two men on steroids. if I had two Daves on steroids it would be very ugly.

Does your uncle have family to help with getting him back and forth to treatments? You are going to kill yourself with all of this.

Yes, with SCLC they usually can't waste a minute getting chemo in, it grows so fast. I remember in 2003, I took Dave to the ER on a Saturday night. He had his biopsy on Tuesday to confirm the cancer, and on Thursday he has his first chemo. He got out of the hospital on Saturday and on Monday we were at the radiation oncologist's office to get his chest mapped for the treatment.

Keep us posted, and please please take care of yourself, easier said than done, I got tired of hearing that myself, but let me tell you, it's not hard to run yourself into the ground and then you're of no use to anyone!


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Sounds like you are very busy. If I know you, those two men on steroids are gonna be getting better each day. I sure am sorry you are having to deal with this. Try to have "some" normal time with your kids and Santa this weekend. I think of you daily and pray that things will work out well for all of you.


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