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Slinking in to start this month's club meeting. I'm slinking because I have been TERRIBLE. I reluctantly report a 5 lb. gain. :oops:

Nobody said this was going to be easy - just fun! LOL! Anyway, I know that Ry is sitting at her computer itching to report her GOOD NEWS! I sure hope the rest of you have good news, too.

Don't forget to pass along a food or exercise tip.



P.S. For all newbies, we have fun with a little group we call The Getting Smaller Club. On the 1st of each month, I start a thread and we can all brag about our weight losses or whine for obvious reasons.

If you haven’t joined us, please do so.

Here are the links to the previous GETTING SMALLER CLUB threads:

8/21/2004 Discussion:


9/1/04 Getting Started Getting SMALLER:







http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... &highlight


http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... highlight=

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Ok Ladies are you all ready for this.I have been eating donuts and ice

creme and drinking bud lite so much for so long(before cancer 215 lbs)

that Connie is forcing me to cool it.(after cancer up to 240lbs).

In January she made me count calories and I have lost 13 pounds.I'm now down to 227 lbs.This involved no ice creme,no donuts,very little bread,no bud lite(that she knows about).

Not too bad considering I did almost no exercise either.This was really hard.Iwas able to eat a whole box of donuts in a short time.


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I thought you were going to tell us you were slinking in because you were wearing charmeuse on your svelter-self. :wink: I'm not reporting my gains. I know these pounds are the "Joyful Season Jiggles". Everything jiggles under charmeuse, so I won't be wearing it either! :roll:

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LOL@ Fay.

I am here in case you didn't notice, at the very back of the room hanging my head in "shame" :oops: Had a tough month but since my jeans barely fit anymore and I am miserable, I have got to do something. Next month will be better - any tips would be appreciated.

Has anyone had any luck with Weight Watchers?

Big High 5 to Andrea - way to go!!!!!

and you too Frank - I am going to try to cut out regular Coke and Chex Mix and see what that brings!!!!

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Denise--did you watch the Biggest Loser? I swear I am identical to those girls, adorable but too fluffy. So 17lbs is really not that much. 40 is when it is something to write home about ;)

I have 70lbs to go :oops: And that is a realistic goal, I am not looking to be a size 0 ;)

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I should have joined months ago. Ever since mom was dx i have taken all my stress and worries out on food. I have always been a "big" GIRL, EVEN WENT AS FAR AS HAVING GASTRIC BYPASS 20 YRS AGO WHEN IT FIRST CAME OUT. srry about those caps. Anyway lost 100 pounds and got skinny, but learned to eat around it and have been up and down these last 10 yrs or so. But right now today I am bigger than i have ever been,almost 70 lbs since August I have gained. That is not good. almost 43 yrs old, over weight smoker, cant get much worse. I have been eating nothing but white chocolate reese peanut butter cups (bite size plz) and dr pepper, letteraly days go by and thats all i eat. My stomach is still :stapled" as when i do try to eat real food, I get so full so fast, and its very painfull sometimes. But if i could just quit the candy and cokes, i know the weight will fall off, but I cannot seem to make myself do it. I mean I drove 15 miles this morning to get 10 bags of these reeses things, as they are hard to find in bite size. This is bad....

I really have no excuse anymore either. Mom is still today NED, so I cant use "mom has cancer" anymore. I have set Feb 14th as the day i am going to quit smoking, not sure if i can do both at once. Mom tells me the weight is more important becasue it is effecting my health now today and the smokes have already done its damage im sure and dont think a few months will make that much difference.

I just need that push to get going.. not to mention I have no clothes and refuse to buy "that" size.


Kim :oops:

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Well I am back into the 280's. This is about 20 pounds down, in less than 2 weeks. Not very good for a cancer patient who is not suppossed to be loosing any thing. :(

But one part og me is thrilled and all my clothes fit so much better. I am trying to eat and drink as much as I can. The problem is I can't eat very much, half a sandwich or half a bowl of soup. Even the sweet stuff isn't really doing it.

So good diet club loss, but bad cancer club loss.


Good luck to us all

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Okay, depending on the day I have lost between 20 and 23 lbs. But I am stuck here and I would like to lose at 13/15 more. Have to commit to going to Curves more than once a week but I hate, loathe and despise going out on cold, dark winter nights.

Resolve, resolve, resolve. I'll let you know 3/1, right Peggy.

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Well, I finally managed to get off the "sugar-pop". I've been a Pepsi-holic for my whole life, and no matter what diet I tried to follow, Pepsi was a no-no, and usually the start of a binge.

So I went with NO Pepsi for a couple days, and then said "fine, you want one, it has to be diet" - and it was AWFUL! So I just continued making that the only choice, and now I actually like it!

So that wiped about 600-800 calories off my average day, and I've lost 8 pounds!

Baby steps.........


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Wow! I'm impressed.

Ry, I understand the closer a person gets to their goal, the tougher it gets. (I really don't know from experience because I've never gotten that close - yet - LOL). Anyway, I know those 2 lbs. were very stubborn for you, so this is a GREAT victory.

Frank, Vavavoom - I bet you are lookin' mighty fine.

Andrea! SHAZAM!!! I cannot even believe that you are making light of such a wonderful success. I don't know if it's your nervees or your nightmares, but I would almost be willing to ask you to send them my way if I could get that kind of results! Seriously, you have obviously worked very hard at this. That is fantastic!

And Denise and Betty and Ginny, onward and upward. Betty: Cancer or chemo or whatever, if the 20 lb. loss makes you feel better about yourself, then that's a good thing!

Hope I didn't leave anybody out!

To all who didn't have such a great month, including me, so what! We've got tomorow and the next day and the next. We'll catch up with them!

You all have inspired me, so I guess I'd better get back to it myself. Sure would llike to be in some much smaller shorts when warm weather gets here. Now, anybody got any good ideas about how to hide the broken blood vessels and cellulite when I do get to those smaller shorts?LOL! I'm all ears.

Great job everyone!



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BABY STEPS, Sandy?? Those are HUGE strides! Last time I cut out the soda, I lost twenty pounds in a month! Replaced it with something healthy - WATER! Oh, and exercised...walked four to six miles every night with my dog....and it was SUMMER. I hate getting up and out in the cold, find it hard to breathe, sure don't want to EXERCISE! Looking SOOOO forward to spring!

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  • 1 month later...

I would also like to join in. Since DX I have lost 20 pounds. My appetite isn't like it used to be & now I like sweets more than I ever have. I was a big walker & am now starting to do some walking again. I think I may have put on a few pounds in Hawaii. Here in Ketchikan there is lots of rain. I think walking in the rain has made my hair grow back faster. Keep at it ladies & gents. Talke a walk no matter how long it will make you feel better. Good luck to all of you. So, when are we supposed to report?


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There is nothing like a trip thru South Miami Beach on your way to Key West to get you motivated to go on "that" diet....as soon as vacation is over. Well it is over and I guess I am going to finally :roll: do it! Count me in. Motivation is key here, no pun intended. 8)

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