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my husband age 74 was dx 23 dec with stage iv adenocarcinoma. 5.5 cm tumor in top lobe of right lung and smaller nodule in lower lobe. also mediosteinal node . tests in er following car wreck found the cancer. really strange. has had 6 carbo taxol treatments and tomorrow has ct scan to see if they worked. they say this tumor is inoperable at this point. we live in sc in the winter and need to get back to upsate ny in april. i had trouble logging on but i have been visiting this site for about 3 weeks and am finding it very helpful. this is a very scary time and confusing as to how to help my husband not to be too depressed. can't really blame him.

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Welcome Carole,

We are sorry you have to be here , but glad you found us. You will find that there is lots of information , compassion , hope and support at this site. Spend some time here and read the profiles under the members names and read the boards. Let us know how we can help . My prayers to you and your husband for good results on his scans . Keep us posted.



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boy, Carole.

Welcome. What a shocker for you and your husband. Well, yes, there is a lot of great information here...much of it is true... :P

Hoping very much to hear that your husband's disease has been obliterated to smythereens.

Any questions that you have regarding his side effects or anything you can ask us or ask the experts. There will be someone who will usually respond.

Please let us know the results of the CT scan tomorrow.

Cindi o'h

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Hi Carole,

So sorry to hear about your husband. Its amazing how they sometimes find LC. My husband hurt his back went to the doctors (which we have not been to in 3 years) while we were there we asked for physicals as they were long overdue. My husband felt great, ( except for the muscle he pulled in his back) and just asked for a chest Xray because he is a smoker.... and wham.... a mass, that turned out to be cancer. Lucky for him they caught it early and were able to operate. It has been 2 months since the operation and he is doing fine. Will start chemo soon for preventive measures.

I hope all works out well for you and your husband. This is an extremely scary and very stressful time. Just remember, and I always stress this to new comers.... do not get hung up on statistics. Statistics does not mean a death sentence. So many people here, if your read the posts have beaten the odds. You just have to believe and fight!! Never give up.

take care and keep us inform... we are here for you, you are not alone.


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Hi, Carole, and welcome. You are having quite the time but know that this is doable for you and your husband. Tell the doctor every concern, they will help you with the depression and any side effects. You might need to see a doctor yourself if you feel more depression or anxiety that you can deal with. Lots of us here need a little extra help. I have found that friends here are the biggest help with information and with sharing the joys and the burdens. Glad you are here. Keep us posted.


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Hi Carole and welcome, although I wish you didn't have to be here. What a shock for you and your husband to find the lc like that.

Many lc survivors are on an anti-depressant which really does help them as they sort through all the treatments and such.

Stay strong, we have many long time survivors here who beat the statistics everyday.

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Hi Carol, welcome. Generally lung cancer has no early symptoms so many people find out during xrays for another problem . I hope we can help you during this difficult time. Donna G

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