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Scary Scan Time (partial update)


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Conflicting opinions. I got a copy of the brain MRI today which sounded really good. The radiologist said on the report that the largest tumor was slightly decreased as well as edema was decreased. BUT, hubby's radiation oncologist called him today and said he thinks the largest tumor has grown. He is going to consult with the Novalis oncologist (stereotactic specialist) to see what he thinks and we're supposed to talk to him about it on Tuesday.

He still has to get his CT on Monday and we will get that result late Friday afternoon. I might not post until then because I've got to try to keep my mind on other things. It's the only way I can deal with any of this.

By the way, the radiologist that read this report is the same one that said there were two new brain tumors in December, but he was wrong, they were two of the old ones. If he's wrong again this time, and if my husband consents, a complaint letter might be mailed.

I will have to say that I am on knees with thankfulness that he has such good and thorough oncologists. I know I've read here where some oncologists don't even look at the films and just go by the report.

We're not freaking out (but not happy either) since this is still up for discussion, but thought I'd give you a partial report.

Love to all,


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So glad things are looking hopeful Peggy. I will be keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers.

Dave's oncologist never looked at the scans. I always had to pick them up from the hospital and take them to him if I wanted specific explanations. Even then he would flip through them hurriedly and I would often come out in just as much of a quandry as I was to begin with.

Lots of love,


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