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Lucie and Don

Don Wood

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Don and Lucie,

Gee, it sounds like your bumps in the road are potholes big as your car. I am so glad you got to your heart problem before it was another heart attack. We all need you and Lucie. I am so sorry that Lucie is in pain. Praying for relief soon and wishing you both back on your "wheels" soon.


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Hey Don.

Hang in there - sounds like the docs have things under control. Sometimes it seems as if life is a never ending uphill battle, and just when it levels off for a while, and you catch your breath, the uphill starts all over again. You and Lucy have adapted to this unfortunate pattern quite well and are one of the leading examples on this message board of how inner strenght and committment can help one endure during the rougher times in life.

Take care Don, and give my best to Lucy.

David P.

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Feel, and get, better both of you! So sorry you've had these set backs but glad you're home, getting everything taken care of and are on the road to recovery. We all wish we were around the corner and could help you out. Glad you have friends who can! Thinking of, and hoping the best for, you.


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well, darn it all, but I'm sure glad your problem had an easy solution and the rest of your ticker is still doing just fine. and I hope like heck that the radiation does more than relieve Lucie's pain, I hope it zaps that darn bone met to death.

Glad you got the cruise in, though. Good work on that one, except, Don, you waited until you got home from the cruise to attend to the arm thing? Aren't you supposed to not let any heart issues wait?

Hang in there, and prayers and blessings to the both of you.

God Bless,


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