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Update - These are Trying Times

Kel M

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Hello everyone,

Times have been tough for a lot of people on this board lately, and I just wanted to take the time to check in and say hello. Please forgive the rambling post.

As you might recall from my last post, my Mom had to be flown back to Canada from Florida due to being in great pain. It now appears that there has been progression of the cancer in her lung (or lungs) and possibly into her bones. She is also suffering from a fairly rare complication known as paraneoplastic syndrome (brain degeneration) for which there is no effective treatment. Basically, the body generated antibodies to fight the cancer cells and in her case, they attacked her good cells too. It's a condition that can result in tremors, balance problems, dizziness, memory loss, confusion, etc...

The narcotics they were giving her didn't seem to help the bone pain and so there were many upsetting moments for Mom and for us as we were watching her suffer. During one particularly difficult moment, with her face twisted in pain, eyes shut and tears running down her face, Mom reached over to me and said: "Let them get the pain under control and I'll be ready to fight again." She took my breath away with those words and showed me the meaning of courage in the face of great adversity.

To make a long story short, they finally managed to control most of the pain this week and she was to have a scan to rule in or out bone involvement today. Last night, as Mom was standing up (probably to get in and out of her wheelchair), she lost her balance and fell over injuring herself. So on top of the disease and side effects including a blood clot in the lung, she may now have a broken hip. She's been heavily sedated since the fall, but was alert enough to answer my phone call and tell me she loved me this morning.

I'm as scared as I've ever been today. I pray that Mom doesn't have a broken hip and that she can bounce back from this setback like she has so many times before. I pray that she doesn't suffer anymore - that she is comfortable. I pray for a miracle - if that is what God has planned for us. I pray for all of you - for as much as our experiences are our own - unique if you will - we are all bound by this beast we call cancer.


"Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace." - Amelia Earhart

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So sorry your having to watch the one person who has meant so much to you your whole life suffer. I know as i'm sure you more than know that every day she has that is what i now call our good day's is like a little miracle..Like the Saint Padre Pio said so often....PRAY HOPE AND DO NOT WORRY....

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Well crud...this is a long way from the pars and birdies I hoped she'd be getting in FL. Please extend my very best to your mom, Kel. I hope her hip heals quickly and hope it's not a bad break if it's a break. She has enough to contend with. I hope her pain is soon under control too.

But she's strong....she's been a great fighter and there are all those golf holes yet to play, eh? :wink: You tell her I played four holes last week. That's all I could manage for the first outing...but I had a par on the Par 5 hole!! :D

I look forward to the time when your mom can tell me about being back out on the course. I'm counting on it for her...vibing her my best thoughts and wishes....

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Hi all,

Mom made it through her surgery pretty well - she spent the night in intensive care being monitored closely to make sure that her vitals stayed stable. She should be tranferred to a regular floor today.

We continue to be hopeful for the best and thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers.


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My continued best to your mom. So glad the surgery is over...and knowing her, she'll heal quickly and well and be grabbing her spf 20 and headed back out to the course soon! At least, that is my wish for her.

Please do pass along my good wishes to her, Kel.

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Kel, I want to wish your mom well and speedy healing.

I went back and read your top post, and you know, the part about the bone pain really struck home. Dave has it, too, and he says there's nothing like it.

I really hope she heals fast and continues the fight. she is a strong woman and I admire her.

by the way, is the photo of her or of you?

God Bless you and your mom,


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Hi again,

Just wanted to let you know that Mom stood up and walked today - less than 24 hours after having a partial hip replacement (new portion of the femur). Whether doctor, nurse or family member - we were all amazed!!! She is on the mend, feeling relatively good and in amazing spirits (and I mean amazing - good-naturedly teasing the hospital staff all day).

Perhaps God did answer my weekend request (prior to the fracture) for a miracle after all. :-)

Pic is of me in St. Maarten last summer. Have got a great pic of me and Mom to add eventually.

Love to all!


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