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Prayers desperately needed for Pops


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Have a safe trip, Kathi. I feel sure your dad will wait for you to arrive and will go one better, and hope that there is a turn around in his general condition.

I'm glad you were able to get an earlier flight...and am sure your being there will be a great comfort to both your mom and dad.

Keep us posted, honey...and enjoy the time with your folks as much as possible.

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My prayers are with you as well. So glad about being able to leave early. You will be there. Wishing you very special moments together. I know there will be. May God grant you the courage to face what may come and the strength to carry you through this time.



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Kathi, I am so glad to hear that you are getting a flight home earlier than anticipated! I know that it will raise your dads spirit just to know that you are on your way! What a relief this must be to your mother, knowing you will be with her. Hope you have a safe trip. I'm saying lots of prayers for your family!

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Dear Kathi,

So glad you were able to make the earlier flight and that you will be able to have some real time with your dad. I can just imagine how difficult this must be for you, but hope that being with him will help you both.

Am thinking of you!



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