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He's ok but.Dean has had an accident..


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I am so sorry this has happened. Give yourself a break and realize everyone makes mistakes. I know how very painful burns can be and I am praying you are kept comfortable as you heal. We love you Dean! Gay, I am so glad you were there and could save amy further burns or worse... Yes, you are a LIFESAVER!!

God Bless You All,


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I am so sorry you got burns. I know how painful they can be and hope you have plenty of meds to see you through. As for the accident, all of us have made similar ones, so be easy on yourself. The pain on your body is way more than enough reminder not to do it again. Blaming yourself is not in order. We love you Dean, take care of yourself.

Thanks Gay for saving our friend.


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Don't kick yourself too much...i'm the klutz in the family, i know what it is to be on that end!! LOL

Hugsssssssss and prayers that you're not feeling a bit of it if you don't have to. Daughter had 2nd degree on her hands when she fell in the remants of a fire (she's such a mommy's girl!!!)

We're all in it with ya!! Hoping and praying the burns heal soon, quick...and that they don't cause you too much trouble!

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Dear Dean & Gay,

Just a note to let you know we are thinking of you! Please take good care as the burns are ever so painful be careful of infection as well. You are in our thoughts and prayers for a very speedy recovery!


Botley & Mother

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I am so sorry this happened to Dean. This on top of everything else he is going through is just too much.

I pray he is not in too much pain and heals quickly from the accident.

Prayers sent to him.

I am so sorry....


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Dean I am so sorry!! It is easy to forget about the oxgen. We almost had a similar experience while my husband was in the hopsital. It was his birthday so we had a cake and you quessed it--Candles!!!! I didn't even think about it. Thank God we didn't all go up in flames. Don't be hard on yourself. Accidents happen.I hope you are well soon.


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Dean & Gay ~

I don't post often, but I read ALL the time, and I just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery.

As so many others have said, please do not be too hard on yourself. #%?* happens!! Actually, this post stunned me, as my Uncle just experienced the EXACT SAME THING!!! :shock: He was driving 'cross country during a move, and thought he had turned his oxy off. He suffered 2nd & 3rd degree burns to his face, hands, even IN his nose! Thankfully, his son was following in the car behind, and was able to help...

Sending LOTS of positive thoughts, and hoping you'll soon be feeling better!! :wink:

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Sorry to hear about this! Hope you're feeling better by the time you read this !!!!! I've had several patients forget that they had their O2 on and poof!! It's REAL easy to do, It's clear, no smell, but highly flameable. Praying for a speedy recovery. God bless.

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