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While reading the posts this month, I remember thinking that many of us are going to have testing, updating and planning appointments in August.

Brian and I want to assure all that we have 'stepped up' our prayers for all of us.

I am always so afraid to mention names because I will invariably leave someone out, but we want you all to know that each of you is so important to us and that we care about each person as a person and not just as 'the forum'.

We ask for prayer for Brian. His scan is August 2 and we will get results on August 4. He has not been doing as well as we hoped he would with being off Cisplatin and VP 16 for 6 weeks.

Our prayer is that he can hold his own against the cancer with Tarceva. The rash and other side effects are daunting, but nothing compared to the rapid progression that was demonstrated on his last scan.

We pray that August will bring continued positive news for those making good progress and that it will bring a turn to better news for those struggling.

We are unable to articulate the gratitude and love we feel for our LCSC family.

Pat and Brian O

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Hi Pat,

Will keep Brian in my prayers and pray the Tarceva worked for him.

Bless you both as you both are such a positive presence on this board. You give so much of yourselves to support others when you are going through so many major roadblocks.

Will send extra meditation prayers on Tuesday.


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For everyone who has tests coming up in August (myself included - brain MRI on 8/11)....I am vibing for nothing but good news. Either "stable" or "improvement"....but nothing less than "stable" for all. I'm vibing hard for this...as we ALL can use some good news, eh?

The radiologists at our cancer clinic/hospital are so great, that they "read" the films for oncology patients first, I think...and get preliminary reports out VERY fast...sometimes the same day as the scan/MRI. For this...I am SO grateful.

But I always postpone my "worry point" to a couple days AFTER my scan/MRI/tests....so that I won't worry UP TO that point. I recommend trying this. If you have your test on a Monday...tell yourself that you won't START to worry until Wednesday or Thursday...about the results.

Doing that...if you can actually do it :wink:...gives you some worry-free time, because you've "scheduled" the worry for later.

Mind games. It's all mind games....but it helps me get over that worry hurdle of "what will my results be?"

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Know right now you are getting yourselves re-fueled in your place of worship. Put your and worries in His hands. He loves to do the worrying for us, doesn't He?

Praying for Brian that there will be improvement, that he will begin to start feeling better, that all of our pals will have remarkable healing in the month of August, and that our worries will be lessened or eliminated altogether.

Cindi o'h

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here I am. I have been praying for 8/2 for weeks already, and will continue to do so. you both know you're in my heart (I hope) and I would not have made it through without you these last few weeks. now it's your turn, and I am here 100%.

love and prayers to you,



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Pat and Brian,

I want you to know that I have you in my prayers for Aug . 2nd and hope to hear encouraging news on the 4th. Mike will be getting scanned on Aug 3rd (date changed) with results coming on the 8th. I love Tina's thought of August being the healing month for ALL. God Bless you.

Love and Prayers,


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Dear Pat and Brian,

I think about and worry about you guys every day. You are definitely in my prayers.

Tina, great idea! August 2005 is the month of healing! I really like that! I will be praying for healing for EVERYONE!

Don has a big month in August, too. His only scheduled scan is the 6-week follow-up from the stereotactic brain procedure. But, it's also his birthday on 8/4, his 2-year anniversary since diagnosis on 8/7 and I'm sure he's going to have lots of follow-up appointments with his growing list of specialists, so please send those healing prayers his way, too!

Thanks for this thread, Pat!



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