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Year #1


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My dear Ginny,

You have been in my thoughts and prayers.

Raising a toast to you and Earl. I know what 26 years feels like. Like yesterday and a life time. And somehow we go on.

May you feel Earl with you in your celebration of your marriage and unending love.

Much love,


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I can't believe that it is a year either since you lost Earl.

Your story with the Duke was an amazing one, a love story. I remember always thinking how lucky you both were (ironic isn't it?), but true.. you had each other, even in the darkest days there always seemed to be light shining through your posts. You were always gracious and possessed a dignity & strength online for both yourself and Earl, and made us know and love him. You painted him so brilliantly for us with your words.

I hope that today has passed okay for you and you were able to find comfort in your memories. I'm glad you stayed around with us...

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Dear Ginny,

When I first came to LCSC as a lurker I remember reading your posts and feeling so scared for you and then feeling your grief when Earl died. After that, it was hard to come back to ask some questions as I was so new to this battle. Imagine my surprise when I did come back and saw you still posting. I so vividly remember reading a post from you offering comfort and support to others and thinking to myself that you were such a selfless and giving woman to be suffering so much yourself, and yet be so giving to others about to embark upon that path you just walked. That is when I saved LCSC in my "favorites"; I knew that this was the place I needed to be. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me believe that everything will be okay, never as good, but there will be good again. You are remarkable and I am proud to know you and be a part of your family. My thoughts are with you this evening.


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Dear Ginny,

I am amazed it has already been a year. You are one divine woman and show so much courage and love. As it was stated earlier I am not at all surprised that you have so many people surrounding you. Earl was one lucky man and knew it, and by the same token he had to be absolutly wonderful for someone like you to love, marry,and spend 26 years with.

My love and respect to you always

God Bless you,


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Dear Ginny,

It sounds like you have just the right idea about how to spend this sad anniversary. I hope the good memories way outnumber the horror at the end. You are a lovely, wonderful person. I am so happy I have gotten to know you and feel as though you are my friend.


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Dear Ginny,

I am sorry I am late in posting, but I have thought about you a lot this week. I am very sad for you, to have lost such a great love, but Earl would be very proud of you and I know he is looking down on you right now. Thank you for continuing to bless our lives here with your wisdom and love.

May you always continue to look back on your times with Earl and smile.



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Dear Ginny,

Its unbelieveable that its been a year, isnt it. I lost my father, but a lot of what you said reminds me of how my mother feels dealing with our loss. We, too, grieve for what we feel he is missing out on as my children (whom he adored) get bigger, when they play the piano (which he loved), and most of all my sister's wedding.

Im so glad you have such a great support system and had all those invites to honor the anniversary of your Duke.

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Dear Ginny,

I can hardly believe it's been a year. I don't know what I would have done without you this past year. I remember when we talked on the phone and all the wonderful advice you gave me as I knew that eventually our day would come, too.

So many times on the board you have adviced other grievers to stay busy. I will always remember that good advice and have already put it to work. It really does help a lot.

After the dust settles around here, I don't intend to stop either, thanks to you! I've decided to pour myself back into my work, the way I did before Don was diagnosed. I plan to become more active with my church, including some Bible studies that I didn't join before because I didn't want to be away from Don.

I've got friends and family all around and I plan to go out to eat with them more often. I have a huge kitchen, and now I'm building the sunroom, so I'm going to have them over for dinner often so I will still have somebody to cook for. I'm hoping to eventually visit my brother in California and my sister in Georgia so I can see their homes. I would also like to get on the road and meet some of you on this site, especially those that live so close to me.

Ginny, your loss has been my gain. I hope no one takes that wrong. Similar to Beth, I was new on the site when Peg's Bill died. I was so grief stricken for Peg that I wanted to leave the site. I remember writing to Ry about it and she helped me through it. And then when Earl died, I thought THAT'S IT! I can't take this anymore, but again, I stuck around and gained so much from your words of wisdom and helpful posts. I know that you have gotten through this past year quite graciously, but I also know from our conversations and PMs that there have been times when you haven't done so well, and it has been very hard for you.

I am so sorry you lost the love of your life, and I'm sorry I lost mine, too. :cry::cry: I'm sorry for everyone on this site that has lost people they loved so much, and I am also sorry for anyone that has lost someone from any disease or accident.

Our pastor said something at Don's service that several people have told me had a huge impact on them. He said that he looked around and saw so many tears for Don, but he wanted us to know that every one of us sitting in our chairs were dying, and Don was the one that was living. I hope this helps others, too.



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I hadn't been here long when the Duke died, but I remember the sad day it was. It was one of the first losses on the board that really touched my heart . You had made Earl so very much a part of this board . Everyone loves you Ginny and we feel your heart ache. I like to believe that Earl is still sharing all those good things , but from a much better place.



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" He said that he looked around and saw so many tears for Don, but he wanted us to know that every one of us sitting in our chairs were dying, and Don was the one that was living. I hope this helps others, too. "

Wow!! So simple, yet I never thought of it that way. Also, Im so sorry for your very recent loss.

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