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Today when I went to see doctor near my home, in the clinic I saw a grandmum & a son with a baby, whom I guess its the grandchild of the grandmum, the grandmum loves the baby very much, always kiss him, always play with him. The son just sat next to them and sometimes talked to his mum but always looking at his baby. I suddenly thought of dad. I was so envy them at that moment, dad had been expecting the day that he can take care of his grandchildren, this was what he's longing for, but it never happened to him and me. I could be the son, he could be the grandmum.....I then teared. When I walked back to home after seeing the doctor, some scenes - in hospital, in my home after diagnosis talking about his childhood, falling into sleep uncontrollably bcoz of the meds, i helped him walking and the conversation, he was crying while talking to sister over the phone on the bed in Hospital that first being informed of the brain mets, dad's tearing while he heard of mum's crying in the toilet inside the private room in hospital. :(:( It makes me so sad..... I wish dad could be here, that's my regret, my heartache. It's been almost 17 months, I still can't hold my tears....I prayed to God that let Dad be happy now, let him having the best life now. Amen.

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Oh sweet (((((Berisa)))))) My heart aches for you.

I know just how you feel. I remember feeling just like you do when I lost my dad. :cry::cry:

I also wanted to tell you how much I like that new picture of your wonderful dad. He was a very NICE LOOKING MAN!! Love the new Pic of him. Thank you for sharing him with all of us. (((BERISA)))))

Love & Hugs,


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Berisa, My friend:

I can't believe your Dad has been with God for seventeen months already.... I am sure it is still painful, and I am pretty sure it always will be. That is how I feel, I don't think I will ever get to the point where I am okay with Dads passing..... I think of you often...

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I am sorry for your pain. I am sorry for all of our pain. I wish somehow it would all go away, but I don't think it ever will. The hurt is too deep. It has been 18 months since my Dad passed and it still hurts terribly. Sometimes the scenes go through my mind like looking through a picture book or watching a video. Some are happy memories, others are the painful days, but they are all still there, but so is the love...the love can never be taken away. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone and I understand how you feel and I know our Dad's are in peace now in a happy place watching over us.

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