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Happy Holidays everyone,/ also updated message


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I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and and happy Hanukkah as it is getting close. Many people will be traveling or just busy preparing for the holidays.

I know I will not be posting as much as I am sure that is the case with many of our members.

I do want to say as many of us are rejoicing there are so many who are grieving who lost love ones and only wish for the holidays to be over. My heart goes out to you and try to take comfort in family and good friends.

For those who are alone, and I pray that is not the case, know that my prayers are with you and my arms are around you to comfort you. The holidays will go fast and I pray that 2006 will be a better year for those who are having a difficult time.

May love and peace be with you all and please pray along with me that they find a cure or a least get closer to a cure for this monster. Meanwhile, we just have to keep fighting, keep a positive "Additude" and NEVER GIVE UP!!

Thank you all for being there for us. Your support and prayers have lifted us up when we felt there was no hope. G-d bless you all.

Love you all, peace

Maryanne & Joel :wink::wink:

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Just to set the record straight here. We do celebrate Xmas always have. I have a georgeous tree with victorian ornaments I collected over the years. We have a big ribbon that goes from the top and is intertwined between the branches to the bottom of the tree brances. It is beautiful.

Yes, we are Jewish, but here is why we always had Xmas. First of all, I grew up in a neighberbood that had no jewish people so even though we did not have a tree my mom and dad always gave us gifts on Xmas, like the other kids. We moved to a more Jewish neigberhood when I was around 11.

Joel's dear father, who was actully his step dad and was since Joel was 6 months old, was Itallian and the oldest of 13 siblings from South Philly. For those of you who don't know what South Philly is, it is a bascially a predomenent Itallian neighborhood in Philadelphia. Joel grew up in South Philly so Joel and his siblings grew up with having Xmas.

So when we married we also kept that wonderful Xmas spirit in our house. The only difference was we had Hannukah gifts and Xmas gifts. The kids would get money for Hanukkah to buy Xmas gifts. :)

I use to have an open house with 60 to 70 people every year with all the goodies I mentioned in one of Ann's daily post. That ended a couple of years ago when my niece took it over.

I do miss all my friends and Joels family at Xmastime at our house. We have so many wonderful memories from Xmas past. But I don't miss all the preparations. I have become too lazy now.

Anyway, I have been asked that question by a couple of members here when I mentioned we celebrate Xmas.

Just more thing, we had a 60th birthday party in center city ( downntown Philadelphia) last night. We then walked around town. Saw Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, City Hall and the hugh Xmas tree that was decorated with awesome lights. There was a man dressed up like Ben Franklin and told Ben Franklins history. There is so much history here.

We then walked and window shop all the many stores there. It was brisk, not real cold and full of holiday shoppers. It was a beautiful feeling being amongst all that history all the people.

I cannot imagine having Xmas in a warm area as it was so awesome to be with the crowd and a that chill in the air.

This is a special holiday for us as it is one year since Joels operation. Last year he came home from the hospital on the 21st of Dec. What a difference a year makes. We have sooooo much to be thankful for.

Warm wishes to you all!

Maryanne :wink:

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Please add my heartfelt wishes to everyone as well....for whatever holiday is celebrated!

And Maryanne....I grew up SO close to Philadelphia! I could just SEE the two of you strolling last evening. I am jealous! And BTW....I sure would like to share in some of that ziti with the 'secret' sauce!!!!!!

Love to you,


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Maryanne...I pray that you, Joel and your entire family will enjoy all of the very special and blessed holidays that occur at this magical time of the year. You always bring so much to this board and I love you for all you do and say!

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HAPPY HOLIDAYS, everyone!!

I don't know a thing about Ramadan, sad to say, but I know that one of the great things about this Christmas and Hanukah season is that the holidays actually have a lot in common - both are about miracles and being grateful for them.

so from another Chris-makuh (or Hanu-mas) kid, happy holidays and a love-filled, joyful new year.



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I don't know if I will have another chance to come here before Christmas. I have just 2 more nights off and will be preparing to leave early Chirstmas Eve. For the first time sense 2001 I will be having Christmas with a lot of family.

I just want to say Merry Christmas to everyone and if you celebrate a different holiday I hope it too is filled with peace, love and most of all family. May God Bless everyone and know that you too are so much in my heart as I count my friends and say "Thank you" to God for all he has given me. Lillian

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Hi Maryann....thanks for the beautiful post... I will ditto you...As I have said before...haven't been here very long...but long enough to know this is a very special group of wonderul caring people...I am proud to belong to this group now..

I want to wish all of you regardless of religion a wonderful blessed holiday...may the New Year bring us good news about finding a cure...Please God!!!

Maryann and Joel...wishing you the best wheter it be Happy Hanuka or Merry Christmas...both have the wonderful same meaning.

Christ was born!!!!

Peace and love to all of you...


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Hi Maryann....thanks for the beautiful post... I will ditto you...As I have said before...haven't been here very long...but long enough to know this is a very special group of wonderul caring people...I am proud to belong to this group now..

I want to wish all of you regardless of religion a wonderful blessed holiday...may the New Year bring us good news about finding a cure...Please God!!!

Maryann and Joel...wishing you the best wheter it be Happy Hanuka or Merry Christmas...both have the wonderful same meaning.

Christ was born!!!!

Peace and love to all of you...


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Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to all of you. Here we celebrate Christmas, but I have friends that are jewish so we always include them in our holiday wishes.

I hope everyone has a great holiday season and that the new year brings all of us health and happiness.


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Thank you for starting this thread, Maryanne,

Merry Xmas to your family and enjoy this

year that will be pretty much the opposite

of last year, thank goodness :D:D:D

Happy Holidays to everyone and may you

all be blessed and enjoy your family

and friends.

To those of you going through your "firsts"

I wish you strength and I pray there are

family and friends to help you through


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Hugs hugs and more Hugs!~~!!!!

From Eppie: the dancing fool and cancer warrior.

May the New Year see the showdown where the brains meet the malignat cells and destroy them.

I guess I don;t want too much for Christmas.

My Christmas cheer is melded with a warrior's chant. Join me if you want to or stand on the sidelines and cheer us on to victory.

It is Borrowed from the WWF--world Wrestlin' Federation for those of youse who don;t know.

"Cancer! You are going down to the mat and you will be in pain ! NO more replication or nasty metastis for you! Starved of blood and melted by Taxol/carbo/radiation...You are going DOWN." Just think of Hulk Hogan saying this or "The Rock" Cancer....You will go away!

That is my very violent, very destructive, very directed Christmas wish for all on this message board.

Please don't be offended. I am mad at the suffering and am driven to see an end to this scourage in my lifetime. Enough is Enough.

Much love and strength to all on this lifeline of a message board!

EPPIE over and Out!!!!!!!!!!!!(':twisted:')


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