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At some point in the last year, I must have joined this group, but I simply can't remember doing so. (Upon this registration, my email was "taken.") I might have checked in very early in my husband's diagnosis to see what was available.

The forums are quite active, and I read about this site through another caregiver's support group.

My husband was diagnosed with stage IV, non-small cell lung cancer a year ago; we've been through the entire run of treatments, and he is currently on Tarceva. Unfortunately, it does not appear that the drug is working, and the last week has been especially difficult for him.

We have one daughter, age 9, and live in the Midwest.


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I am so sorry to hear about your husband. You have come to a very supportive site where you will meet others who are going are have gone through what you are having to experience now. My prayers for you, your husband and your daughter.


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Melinda, welcome aboard. So sorry to hear about your husband. How is your child taking it? So young. Do they have new plans as you say the Tarceva isn't making it? Keep us posted. Donna G

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Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I appreciate it.

My daughter has proved amazingly resilient. She is just a truly exceptional human being. Upon John's diagnosis, I began counseling sessions for my daughter with a wonderfully kind social worker in town. She goes to see the counselor twice a month. From what I understand, they spend a lot of time talking about what the word "popular" means. Still, I wanted my daughter to have someone to whom she felt very close in the worst-case scenario.

I talked to the oncologist about the Tarceva and what the next step would be. He said he would turn the case over to hospice.

Again, thank you for the welcome.


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Welcome on the forum.

You could go in the part of the forum

''Ask the expert'' if you have some questions you

would like to ask about treatments for you husband.

We are here for you, keep us posted and wishing

you the best possible for 2006.

Hugs to all the family.


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Welcome Melinda; Some people have had good reponse with avastin and a platinum based drug . I am sure they had gone through more than 2 treatments. If your husband can tolerate it their are still other options. Your husband ,you and your beautiful daughter have my prayers.

Don M

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Welcome! My husband is on his 8th line treatment and is doing pretty well. He is now stable and received the first two good reports back to back since his diagnosis two years ago. There is hope. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about his treatments...just send me a PM. Take care and keep the faith!

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Hi Melinda,

Just want to welcome you here. I hope they can find a treatment that can help you DH. I am so sorry for all the anguish you and your family are going through.

You are such a great mom to seek out help for you daughter.

Keep us informed. We are always her to help you and support you through all you are going through.


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Welsome, Melinda.

Love the picture of you and your daughter - her intelligence shows! She's got a great mom to see that she has access to all the support and mentoring she can get.

Have you and John received an opinion from another oncologist? Maybe you'd get the same answers, but maybe not. Either way, you'd feel more secure in the recommendations.

We're here for you, John and your daughter.


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