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Please keep me in your prayers tomorrow as I will be undergoing more tests - had a little episode last Friday that ended up in the ER. I haven't been able to post much as my computer is acting up, but I keep you all in my prayers daily. I am so scared. They are running more tests, different tests. HELP!! It seems like - you know - here we go again. God bless you all.


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You are in my prayers. I would be a hypocrite if I told you not to be fearful or to worry. I so understand where you are coming from, as all of us here on this board do. I wish I could take away that fear. Just know that it is normal. Try to pre-occupy your thoughts with positive things. Talk to your supports. I wear a cross pin a friend gave me that simply says "Trust." It reminds me to put my faith in God to see me through tough times. We are all cheering for you!

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You will be in my prayers tonight, tomorrow morning, and afternoon. Hang as tough as you can. Lean on family and friends to help. To keep anxiety down, sometimes I recite a favorite verse like Isaiah 40:31...

[/i]They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength

It can be quite soothing and if you pick a positive phrase or quote, it can affect your brain in positive ways I think!

God bless,

Karen M.

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Thanks everyone -

I had a little melt down "pitty party" this a.m. I think it was a combination of the jittters and kids starting school today - I'm not used to having all this peace and quiet!! In the meantime I picked up the paper and read of a horrible local accident that killed three people - you know that AHA moment when you realize a silly test is just a test??!! Then I read a letter from a woman who lost her 10 year old son from cancer and all of the wonderful support she received - I can relate to the support part. So I am off to visit my friendly CT scanner person and, as my daughter's volleyball coach tells them - "suck it up!" I will be repeating my favorite verse, Karen - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - as well as the one you mentioned! I said that many, many times this past year and it hasn't failed me yet! Thank you all - till later!


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