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When will the worry end? (Whining)

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Hi. I am just whining in case there are others like me. This is simlar to a recent post in a way about worrying that everything is cancer.

I had routine lab work, Calcium was high, did my own research before seeing dr today , and dr told me that in 90% of the cases it is a begnin thyroid type issue; 10% malignancy related. However, in his career he has never seen high calcium itself be the "start" of a cancer diagnosis. Nevertheless, he ordered another blood test today which if it is high is good; if it is too low (which he says he doubts), then they will have to investigate cancer. Results take 3-5 days b/c they were sent out.

Most normal people would not be freaking out. I like a baby cried when I was asking him about it and he said "cancer" blood test. Maybe I cried b/c I am on hormones for fertility, or maybe that is how I am. He said he would not even be mentioning cancer if I did not bring it up, he would have done the blood test, but he is not concerned. However, if there is no concern, then you don't do the test, so there is always a chance.

I wonder if I will ALWAYS be like this with every thing that comes up.

My fear is taht I am all set for my embryo transfer and now they may do a cancer chase instead.

Maybe ignorance is bliss, a few years ago, I may not have done my own research ahead of time :) Ok, done whining, back to work.

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I think it's just one of the things that gets handed to you along with your family member's diagnosis.

And I'm GLAD you do research. The down side of it IS the worry, but the upside is, you are an informed patient ready to keep your doctor on his toes.

Praying for peace for you and that you are a 90% kind of gal.

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See, it doesn't count as whining if we don't hear the whiny voice. You are safe here!

I know what you mean, though. My father died of a brain aneurism, and I've been told by my Dr that the tendancy for that runs in families as well. I'm sure I annoy the heck out of him, but I've had CT scans, etc. done to make sure my migraines are 'just' migraines.

So maybe we know too much, but at the same time we are procative on our care!

Prayers for peace for you until you hear your good test results!

:) Kelly

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Although I haven't been around much, I happened upon your post today and had to respond. I myself had a high calcium level approx 1 1/2 years ago. Turns out one of my parathyroid glands was bad and had to be removed. Simple surgery... no complications and the calcium levels went down while I was still on the operating table. I know its scarey. When I was first found out to have high levels they sent me for a chest xray and it freaked me out... take a deep breath and I am sure it will be just fine. Sharon

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Within a couple of months of having my son, I started to experience severe lower back pain. It would get so bad that I could not walk up two steps at work to get to the office...my mother made me go to the doctor. :roll:

He did a whole lotta pokin' and proddin' and sent me for an oncology screen. At that time, I didn't even know what "oncology" was the study of off the top of my head - imagine THAT! LOL

Those tests came back negative and I was given Naprosyn for a month and the pains didn't come back...

Point is, I had no reason to be scared of cancer and from the time I took that paperwork to the lab and realized what "oncology" was, I was a basketcase for the week it took to get the flippin' results back - NO real family history of anything but prostate cancer...

As for your title question about when the worry ends - when you die, girl, that's when the worry ends.... I think, but I'm not sure if spirits worry, too... :wink:

Take care of you, try to relax, and go get a pedicure! Hell, grab Mom and go shopping for an afternoon! Don't think about cancer, and don't think about conceiving and the "next step" in either of those scenarios. Have a day of "doing", not "thinking"...



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Lucie is basically a worrier. I am not. I am a caring and concerned person, but I don't worry a lot because I believe it is wasted energy. One time many moons ago when Lucie got on my case about my not worrying about things, I said, "Okay, if I worry more, would you worry less?" She said, "No." Then I said, "Well, then there is no point in my worrying more." We both laughed. I think it is just some people's nature to worry and others not. Anyways, Andrea, I hope for you that you can let go of some things and have more freedom from anxiety. Blessings. Don

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As paranoia goes, I'm right there with you...clear up to paying for tests out of pocket just to make myself feel better. I had a chest x-ray, blood work, and an ultrasound of my kidneys just recently where I had to pay for the ultrasound myself (OUCH!). Other than finding out I have gallstones (no big surprise there, I'm the only in the family that still HAS a gallbladder) I was told I checked out just fine. Within a week I was back to worrying. It's just who I am...It's who you are. **Great big Hugs, cause I can sympathize**

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You have every right to whine! We all need to do that every now and then...consider me sitting here eating my cheese and taking part!

While ignorance might be bliss, we all know that "catching" this beast before it gets out of control is a major player in the "game" we are all going through. So...in the whole big picture, finding out is for the better...unfortunately the darned emotional part has to control us too!

Congrats on the baby stuff :D I will certainly pray that all goes well and that soon you have a little being to worry about...now that too is a worry that never stops!

God Bless!

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Hi Andrea.

I had hypercalcemia a couple times in my life that I can remember. Something has always been off somewhere it seems.

The latest one was after I started on diuretics for congestive heart failure. Apparently it causes an increase in calcium levels in some.

Do you think the hormones you have been taking could be contributing to the high serum calcium?

You will get to the bottom of this I am sure.

Cindi o'h

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Hi Andrea,

I'm right there with you on the constant worry bandwagon, but here's the thing....we need to get some perspective. Although it's hard when you've been stung by cancer, especially when, for most of us, it was the least expected of all outcomes, we need to realize that it really is the least likely of outcomes for most of our ailments.

Everything I read says things like, "80% of all breast lumps are benign", "in most cases, shoulder pain is arthritis or muscle related, and in rare cases, a tumor". Of course, those of us on this board, me included, have had the misfortune of their breast issue being cancer, and their lung nodule being cancer. And then that statement that most of the time it's something else is no longer a comfort.

Believe me, I know what you're going through. When I get bloodwork done, my chloride is in the normal range, but the number is 109, and the top number in the range is 109. I'm always wondering, what the heck is that all about? See, I even worry when it's normal, but wonder why it's on the high end of normal!!!!! :roll:

Please try to stay calm about this. I'll bet it turns out to be nothing big.

Take care and keep us posted,


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Thanks everyone :) To the outside world, my fears seem irrational. And to myself I know they are silly, but unfortunately to my pounding heart rate, they are too real :wink: The dr was going to wait to order the PTH-related protein test (cancer test)until the other blood tests were in, but he did it right away b/c of the planned embryo transfer. Apparently the only time there is PTH-related protein is with cancer. I feel like I have gotten a free medical school education lately :roll:

Kelly--I also recently had a screening for anyerums due to my mom also. It was actually the suggestion of our dear Fay A, may she be resting in peace. She had PMd me and told me she worried about my family history and suggested I get screened.

Don--Brian is just like you, doesn't worry much. I worry for the both of us. I just hope that when we "grow up" we both are as happy and adorable as you and Lucie!

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Peggy--I bookmarked that song, love it!!!

Turns out all is ok, I am Vitamin D deficient, the cancer blood test was normal.

I was a mighty busy bee today getting results, I tracked my lab work to the Mayo Clinic in MN and called the hosputal here a zillion times to get the results fast. Then I kept calling my dr :)

Now I just wait for the next fear to pop up. It is never ending. :roll: The worst part is that my mom is starting to know more and becoming increasingly worry with each test anyone has also. Knowledge is bad. Her cardiologist told her today that many many drs are also paranoid about the "worst case" b/c they see it so much.

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I am also a worrier like you and married to a "non-worrier". It amazes me how my husband can sleep anywhere anytime no matter what is going on. Sleep eludes me because I always have something on my mind. right now it's 4:35 AM and I've been up for an hour (typical). I have a cancer dog who is not doing well and my dad is having problems too. If it wasn't that, it would be something else.

Anyhow, glad your latest "problem" was minor. I'd love to say, "put your worries aside" but I know that's not easy for worriers to do. But try to put them away for awhile and get on with that "embryo transfer" --

Take care.

gail p-m

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Hi Andrea,

Glad your most recent worries turned out to be something that can, hopefully, be easily fixed. You can count me in as one of those paranoid types, as well. I think it's hard not to think that way when you have seen that the "BIG C" can and does happen to people . Praying for everything to go well for you and your invitro.... God Bless.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest FiremansWife96

I am NOT the only worrier! Days after my Dad's lung cancer diagnosis (on 4/21/06), my allergies kicked in - big time! I felt horrible AND was wheezing, so immediately, I figured I had the same thing......I did not, I had allergies. After starting up the allergy meds again, I'm just fine....but, WHEW, what a relief to know its not just me!


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