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No more treatment

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My MIL(Kay) has decided that she is not going to try anything else(right now she is to weak to do anything).

She is so weak, easily agitated, hardly can walk and is sleeping a lot now.

She goes to the Dr for blood work thursday.

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So very sorry that things aren't going well. Hopefully the doctor will be able to do something to make her feel more comfortable. Keeping you and your MIL in my prayers.

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One of the hardest parts about this cancer journey is that it seems to be so hard to be the caregiver, as it isn't our decision. I am so sorry that you MIL is making this decision, and I am so sorry that it is hard on you. May God bless you, keep you protected, and give you peace.


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Tina -

She is in charge! I am sure she will be at peace with her decision...yet it is hard for caregivers to come along for the ride....you may have many weeks, months ahead of you -- cherish every single one. Those last months were so bittersweet for me -- I had moe special times with my mom than I could ever imagine.

Love to you.

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Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers..

Hospice hasn't been called yet so i am not giving up hope that we may have 6 months left(I know deep down that not going to be the case)

She is having a harder time walking with pain in the Hip and leg.

Her Hemoglobin is up to 11.6 that was wonderful news, but her Potasium is still very low and she has gained 8 pounds in a week.I am thinking she might be starting to go into heart failure and I am going to call the Dr before her appointment Monday to see if he can run a BNP(it can tell if you are in heart failure or going into it). She has agreed to take Potasium and a Diuretic but nothing to treat the cancer or pain .I think the only reason she is willing to take something for that is because she knew who much I had a hard time when I went into heart failure after my oldest son was born.

We are getting Calories in about 600-800 a day.

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