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What Happened????


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Went for my first radiation treatment and that evening I fell ill. I had picked up some seafood salad and it did taste kind of funny, but boy!! Started to throw up immediately after. Went for my second radiation treatment on Friday. Nurses had me drink some ginger ale and eat some crackers. On to the treatment.

Before I got home, I made my husband stop the car because I was so sick.

Well, I wound up in the hospital dehydrated and sick to my stomach. Noone really knows if it was the seafood or the radiation, a combination or even all my pain meds.

I just got home (now Sunday evening). Wondering if anyone else ever had this kind of reaction to radiation that was not near the head?

Thanks guys,


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Well Joanie!!!!!!! I guess any seafood salad is OUT for you forever now, huh, regardless of if it caused your nausea or not. I never had anything like that with radiation. I surely hope this resolves quickly and it is nothing more than tainted seafood. How are you feeling now? Hope you can stay with the radiation for that pain. Sorry you've been hit with another snag here, Joan. Hoping for nothing less than whatever is best for you.



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Boy that sure stinks! So they didn't even know at the hospital? My husband didn't have any nausea w/ his radiation, only extreme tiredness, but then again that was him. It could of been the seafood ....food poison? or your meds. or a combo, like you said. I know you're going to check it out w/ the onc. and also the radiologist. You may need some tweaking on the meds/and/or radiation if it doesn't stop. Do you have any compazine? I know my husband has his prescription just in case for moments like that. I am sure you will get down to it this week. Please take it easy,


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Joanie -- Wow! I'm so sorry to hear about your experience so far. Hope it was just a touch of food poisoning (I guess :? ) My Tony never had that type of reaction either.

Jeez, like there isn't enough to deal with, huh? Hope you're feeling better now.


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Joanie -

My mom had the exact same reaction with radation on the spine and sacrum.... bad, bad nauseau and tummy issues (never had the problem with any other radiation.)

She somewhat solved it by taking zofran and/or compazine beforehand -- and coming straight home and getting into bed afterward. She had more naursea from that radiation than from any chemo, etc.

Hope you are doing better.

Lots of love,


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Thanks for the responses. I was leaning towards thinking it was the seafood, but after reading Holly's post, I do remember the radiologist saying they would go in from the side to lessen any irritation to my bladder. The bladder can't be too far from the stomach. Oh boy, just can't win.

Good idea to take the anti nassau before hand. I'm going to ask about that today.

Thanks again,


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Nope, never had that happen to me during any of my 36 radiation treatments. Never heard of anyone else having that happen to either. At least not those with LC. Never had dehydration from radiation either. I did have it when I finished up my chemo though. But I continued on with my radiation treatments.

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My dad had the most nausea at the end of his radiation, but he never really was "sick" the way you described. He had bouts of nausea, dry heaves, and throwing up, but it was in bouts. We chalked it up to MAJOR phlem from the radiation. He would get it, and couldn't get it up, or it would get stuck in the throat and make him sick.

Sorry...I know I was no help!

I certainly hope you feel better!

God bless,


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Started my second course of radiation last week - mid spine. I've had no ill effects. Just a little more tired.

I had lumbar spine and clavicle last year and also had no ill effects - just needed my nap.

I hope you're feeling better - you don't need the extras!


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My dad had abdomen radiation, and did experience nausea & vomiting, but not until at least a week to 10 days after starting rad.

My vote is on the seafood salad as the culprit, but you never know...just do as others have suggested, and stay on top of your anti-nausea meds.

Please keep us updated!


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Any better today? I did find the article below that basically says any radiation to the pelvis area and lower spine can result in the same stomach side effects of radiation to the stomach...as I mentioned, my mom had tummy issues immediately with her spine and sacrum treatments...Unfortunately, it took her a while to feel better....

http://cancernet.nci.nih.gov/cancertopi ... u/page5#13

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The puzzle continues. I spoke to my oncologist yesterday, as he was not in the hospital over the weekend when I was there. He seems to feel quite certain that it was not caused by the radiation, one reason because it was just too soon. He also tends to believe it is either from the seafood salad OR an intestinal bug that is actually going around (his secretary has been out for 2 days) that mimics food poisoning.

I vote for the seafood salad and am going to call the store today just to See if anyone else did get sick.

Anyway, feeling so much better. Thanks for caring.


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Joanie....I am so glad you're feeling better! Whatever the reason, it's lousy that you felt so sick. I can tell you that this stomach bug/flu has really been hitting us hard here in Florida. One minute you're fine and then, from nowhere, you're trying to figure out whether you will be best served by sitting on the toilet or hanging your head over it. Almost everyone I work with has had this little visitor. It came calling on me a couple of weeks ago but thank goodness it didn't stay long. 24 hours and it was out the door!!!

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