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God does give us more we can handle

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Yes, I am glad also to hear your mom is doing well.

I suppose if any of us were to stack up all the s--t we had to deal with in life... and if we knew what was coming, it would be very overwhelming. That is why the best thing to do is just to go through the steps one at a time. In a few days you will get your moxie back. I think it is ok and normal to feel overwhelmed especially when contemplating a possible dismal future. Don’t contemplate it just do what you have to do now. I hope the tests show no problem at this point of your sons’ life.

Don M

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No throwing in the towel but you are entitled to a pity party. (Val's got the ice cream so I will bring all the toppings!) And you can't just throw out the big girl panties either cause then you have to go commando! :roll:

I'm sorry you have to deal with this on top of everything you've been through with your mom. I know what its like to be concentrating on getting one crisis under control and to get hit out of blue with another one. Takes the wind out of your sails when your not expecting it and knocks you down for a bit. Just take a deep breath and get back up.

I'm glad mom is doing OK and hope Liam's results show he is fine too! Hang in there!


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From what I know about you, you're not a quitter by any stretch of the imagination.

I certainly can understand how you're feeling right now. And, that's ok, cause we have to let this stuff out sometimes. But, it's only a matter of time before you'll pull yourself together and reach deep down and do what needs to be done.

When I get down, which we all do, I always think that somewhere there is someone who has it worse than I do. I'd rather help that person than worry about myself. I guess that's my way of dealing.

I wish I could help in someway, but I have faith that you'll do it and wish you and your family the best.


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I am so sorry for what you are going through. But remember your son is precious not only to you but also your mother. What would we do without are children, they are one of the most important things in our lives. I know it all seems overwhelming and unfair, but hold on for your son. Our children sense what we are going through and you have to be strong and together for him. It could all work out to be nothing. Do not give up hope. As always my thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family.

God Bless.


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Oh Lori

You certainly have a big pile on your plate. I'm just dealing with my dad and hospice (well, also a dog I love very much who is on palliative care). Nevertheless, I have dealt with fairly sick children and I can say that dealing with sick children is certainly the worst of all. They are not supposed to be sick!!! I have no brilliant answers esp. today since I just finished a crying session of my own. But yell, kick, scream and I know you will get back up and do what needs to be done -- hard as HE_ _ that it is. Life does suck right now but it will get better. You gotta believe.


gail p-m

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So very sorry about this new problem and fear. It is ok to want to throw in the towel. It is natural and normal to not want to do this and live with this pain we are feeling. The difference is that although it is ok to WANT to throw it in, I know you will not.

The Lori I have come to know has always been a selfless caring person who cares deeply for her family. And you know that if your son has this condition he will have to travel that path regardless of what you do and your throwing in the towel will not help him in his need. Throwing in the towel will not lessen your mother's pain and struggles. So, the Lori I know will find release in expressing the natural desire to throw in the towel, but then pick herself up and move forward. Not because you want to, not because it is easy, but because you don't have any other choice. You do what you must because you are a STRONG woman, who LOVES deeply enough to move beyond her own heartache to ease the burden of others.

Pity Party? Sure, I'll join you... This life F$@*(N Sucks!!!! I want to rant and rave about how unfair this all is. It IS unfair. You are a good person who doesn't deserve this.

Please though try and focus right now on the good things God has also given you. You have 2 beautiful sons. Your mom is feeling better and with you today. You have your health. Remember there are others who do not have these gifts, these are your blessings.

Also please know and remember that we all love you here, and we are praying for you and your mom and sweet Liam. We are here to help you carry this tremendous burden as much as we can. (((HUGS)))

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I don't know what to say. Just know that my prayers are with you. Take it one day at a time, as you have everything else. I think you have been past due for a pity party, but I know you... I admire you and I know you will be ok. God be with you and yours through all of this.

Love and Prayers,


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Sandwich generation, schmandwich generation.

We are the pressed cuban sandwich on the hot grill with a cast iron griddle and brick on top generation.

My older son has Down syndrome and my younger son severe cerebral palsy. Now Daddy has lung cancer and is too weak for treatment. I intend to write a review of coffee shops at the hospitals in Richmond, VA and Washington, DC.

Throw down the towel! kick it and stomp it.

Now ya gotta do laundry, damn it. OK get that washing machine going. (voice of experience: white laundry that has been bleached can wait 2 or 3 days in wash machine before it mildrews. Colored laundry left in the machine can cause colors to run in less than 24 hours).OK now SOMETHING is getting done.

Breakdown jobs into managable tasks.

Try not to think of the whole issue, just the next couple of appointments.

Eat chocolate.

Take a walk.

Talk to the hospital Social worker, someone at any church.

Know that we care deeply for you and your family.

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"I can't do ALL this", I thought as I convinced the hospital schedular to make an appointment for both my boys to see the orthopaedic surgeon at noon on a day we would be at the hospital anyway.

"I can't care for 2 disabled boys, a dying Dad an elderly Mom and a husband with a torn rotator cuff, and the houses and the yards."

I can't do it ALL, but I haven't figured out which parts won't get done.....somehow, having accepted that I can't do it ALL; makes it easier to get things done.

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Hang in there sweetie. You have got to "Keep on,keeping on..." I am so sorry you are going through this and I certainly understand your fears. But, you can only do what you can do.

We love ya' and are hear for ya'!!



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URGH!!!!! :evil:


I am so, so sorry about all of this. Don't jump the gun now though!!! Keep that open mind, and open heart that you have had, and more than likely it will all be fine. If God puts you to it, God will pull you through it. Stay strong, and know we are here for you!

God bless,


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Lori, I am so sorry that you and your son are having to go through this. I feel like I can handle a lot in life, but the minute I think of one of my kiddos being sick I just become a puddle.

I am coming in on this message late - so I am guessing that by now you have had your much deserved pity party, now it is time to pull up your bootstraps (or big girl panties!!) and take this thing one day at a time. I don't know much about this condition, but I do know that the medical profession is making strides on a daily, even hourly, basis to help people with medical conditions. I am sure that they know much more about the condition now than they did when your father was first diagnosed - hopefully there are ways to manage it, delay the onset, etc. You have to hold out hope that that is the case.

I think that it is great that they are doing such extensive testing now...it is important to know what you are dealing with, even if hearing it is the most difficult thing to hear.

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