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Johnny Cash


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I know...and it does. I heard this song for the first time today... my 22 year old son asked me to listen to it with him, and then he talked to me about when he was a young child. I would hold him and tell him that one day he would be much taller than me, and that he would come home from school and he would pick me up and give me a hug and kiss the top of my head. He's 6 1/2 ft tall now, and when he comes home he hugs me, and kisses the top of my head, and he tells me he loves me, but he doesn't pick me up anymore because it hurts me now.

This song made me cry today.

Fay A.

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"Hurt" is a cover of a 9 inch nails song. It originally was just another junkie ballad (And JC did change one of the lyrics to make it less offensive) It's hard to understand why he did this until you see the video that goes with it. Originally, I thought it was just him recalling his drug and alchohol days. Not even close.

JCs version of this, along with the video, has got to be the most haunting song ever recorded. It brings me to tears every time.

If you get a chance to see the video, it is highly recommended. It is in the rotation on VH1 and on most of the country music channels, tho it is obviously a crossover tune. Be aware, it is VERY depressing and if you are proned to lament, maybe you don't want to seek it out. It is hard to describe the impact it will have on you.

He never said, but I am sure he choose it knowing his situation fully. It came out about 3 months before my DX, and even tho I had a pretty good idea of what he was getting at, I never fully understood until I was DXed and frightened.

I would place this in my all time top 10 recordings.

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That song is hauntingly beautiful. What a musician Johnny Cash was! How many others had the range to sing Nine Inch Nails and "A Boy Named Sue?"

It surprised me that I was saddened by his death. I never bought any of this records, I just took this American icon for granted, I guess. So it took me by surprise that his death affected me more than that of, say, June Carter or Bobby Bonds. He was popular when I was growing up, I guess that's why. And he seemed like a man of integrity and honesty to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...


THis is my first time talking on this forum. My dad died on June 18,2003. He was diagnosed with stage lV lung cancer in February of 2003. By the time we found out the lung cancer had already spread to the brain (4 large tumors) They could not do surgery.

You feel so helpless when this comes into your life.

Anyway my dad was a HUGE johnny cash fan and in fact when he was in the hospice center we played johnny cashes songs all the time to comfort him.

Anyway my point here is now that johnny has passed away I feel him and my dad are up there enjoying a couple of johnnys songs.

Thanks for listening!


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Dear Judy,

Funny you should mention that song. My cousin plays the guitar and my uncle Jim and Billy. They used to sing that song all the time and I just loved it. For some reason it was my favorite song. I was young then and didn't pay attention to the words I just like the way it was sung. Now I know the words and can't believe what a sad song it is.

thanks for the memory!


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...and I liked his tunes 'cuz you could POLKA to 'em! "Folsom Prison Blues" being a good one...

...and the funny ones "Boy Named Sue"... "One Piece At A Time"

I HATE twangy, sad country music...like the upbeat stuff, go to dance not cry in my beer, so to speak. (Goodness knows, don't need anything extra to tip me into a depressive mood right now... :? )

I felt more sad for Johnny Cash when June died, didn't hit me so hard when Johnny died as in all interviews his love for her would shine through. Hard to imagine how he felt without her and not a surprise that he passed after she did. I think he lived as long as he did because of her, his body went through a lot in the last 30 or so years and he was still kickin'. The circle is unbroken....

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