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chemo veins?


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Was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.

The techs seem to be having been having harder and harder time finding veins in my arms and hands for blood draws and IV's.

I've always had poor veins, but in the last year or so, I've noticed veins in my arms and hands have almost entirely disappeared. I've lost about 50 lbs and this hasn't helped one bit.

Is this from not having port for chemo 6 years ago?

The last CT tech told me if they can't find a vein in arm, then I will have to have CT's w.o. contrast. I can see this would be problem for PET's, bone scans or any medical emergency too.

Anyone have similar experience and any suggestions?


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I'd probably be in the same boat without my port. Is it still possible for you to get one even with no chemo on the immediate horizon? That is, would Medicare and/or insurance pay for one in that case? Seems it could be justified considering the medical emergency potential you mentioned.

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My veins hide when they see a needle coming. They usually put the iv needle in on the back of my hand. I never wanted the port thing. I guess I have read to many stories about infection with them. Would a port really make a difference with all of your other veins?

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Yes, the tops of my hands used to have some large veins but even those have disappeared the last few months.

Honestly, there is one little spot on the inside of my right elbow and it is becoming so scarred up they don't want to use it. I guess they are saving what's left of it for ER.

I wonder if people actually do get port type apparatus for this...


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The last CT tech told me if they can't find a vein in arm, then I will have to have CT's w.o. contrast. I can see this would be problem for PET's, bone scans or any medical emergency too.

I had a port during my first line of chemo. Not now during my second line. It was great for infusion nurses. They are trained to use the port.

But not one PET scan tech, regular nurse to draw blood or anyone else outside of surgery and infusion were allowed to tap the port. So I'd sit there with a port in my chest as the tech prodded and probed for a good vein in my hand or arm.

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Ports are only used for chemo IV's, not scans. Don't know why, but that is just how it is.

Tony chose not to have a port and went through 30 sessions of chemo, but they did use the little butterfly needle. He also was told to hydrate a lot before coming to the office and they put a heating pad on his arm for about 15 minutes before trying for a vein. He too experienced a lessening of good veins as time went on and they worried that he might run out of any good veins.

Hope this helps and good luck! Life with cancer sure does suck. :roll:


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My veins are a problem too, and I can only let them use one hand and arm, because I had axilliary lymph nodes taken out of the other side and, in order to avoid lymphadema, I am not to have any type of needle sticks on that side. I am now supposed to get a ct with contrast every year, and it was bad enough this year, I don't know what the heck we'll do in the future. It's been three years since chemo, and I would think if those veins were coming back, they would have by now.....

No advice to offer, just sympathy.


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My veins are also terrible from the chemo. i used to donate plasma and they were never great but people could get them. Now after all the chemo treatments my veins are terrible.

I think the repeated sticking along with the chemo that may help to burn or wear them out. When I go in to have any type of blood drawn I also tell them about my past chemo and MAKE sure that I have someone who is very good. I also ask for a small or pediatric needle and like the above posters say drink lots and lots of water days before.. it really does make a differnce.

good luck.

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