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rotten lung?


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Hi, Just got my last CT report. I'm 6 years out now. According to the radiologist, Dr. Grimm (love that name)

Impression: Postoperative changes of partial pneumonectomy with a entrapped segment of rotten lung in the medial posterior aspect of the right midlung field with extensive changes of presumed traction bronchiectasis and chronic inflammatory changes. There is a loculated pleural effusion in the same general area. The remaining lung fields appear normal. There is no evidence for middle mediastinal lymphadenopathy. There is no evidence for hepatic or abdominal metastases.

Scared me to read this. My pulmonary doc laughed and said he looked at the scan himself and there was no change from previous scans. This is just scarring from operation and radiation.

Anyone else out there got the "rotten lung"? :(:shock::)


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You know what this could be? Medical transcription error! Perhaps Dr. Grimm did not enunciate well when dictating the report and the transcriptionist "guessed" at the wrong word. I work in quality assurance for a medical transcription service and see "creative transcription" all the time. I encourage people I know to go to doctors who speak English well since there are more errors in the difficult to understand reports dictated by foreign physicians. My mom was given 2 names of oncologists, one American and one that I had done his dictation years ago and struggled with the accent. I encouraged Mom to go to the American doctor. Unfortunately some Americans do not dictate much better. Sometimes they are in such a hurry to finish dictating that it all comes out sounding like mush. This is probably one of the reasons specialists often want to see the actual films and not just the report. I hope I did not scare anyone too much, it is just a nasty reality in the medical world.

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I would insist on having that clarified, and in writing. What if you were to move to another city or state. You would need to take your medical records with you. How would your new doctors know what this "rotten" description means. You certainly do not want your new doctors asking you what it means. There is a standard for reporting for a reason.

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I think they meant to say necrotic?? John's doctor explained that the radiation would kill the lung -- in fact (ok this is gross) he said they refer to the maximum dose of radiation as non-surgical resection. So I guess one could refer to it as rotten lung-- but not the politically correct term, is it? I told you it was gross.

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OK, now I am totally grossed out too. :)

I was thinking of it more like rotten snow, that is snow that is latticed or hollowed, and has lost its structural integrity. Now it feels like I have rotting lung or something. :):shock::)

It could be dictation error as suggested. My pulmonary doc said he'd never heard of "rotten lung", but saw no changes in my scans.

I will ask my family doctor and onc in the next few weeks. Thanks for the suggestions.


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