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Mom's passed (m)...


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Mom passed on August 15th. This is my first post and visit to this site since then. It's been very painful. We had our camping trip (minivan of O2 and all) two weeks before. She planned 5 trips and we made all of them. She passed home here with me and my family as planned. I can't go into detail it's to hard. I miss her very much. She put up a great fight.

I do thank God that I had a warning of her passing. I got to thank her for making me who I am. I am blessed that I had a chance to say everything that I wanted to. We even had a girls sleep over and we all got to say our peace.

My heart and prayers go out to all of you that battle this disease directly and indiretly everyday.

Julie McCann

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Julie, please accept my deepest condolences for the loss of your mom. I know how hard that is as moms are our biggest supporters, shoulders to cry on, the best encouragement there is. The void without them is tremendous.

You mom is at peace and she will only be a whisper away. You mom will always live on in your heart. In a place only reserve for moms.

Peace be with you,

Maryanne :cry:

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I am so sorry, my sincere condolences. I know how you feel; I lost my mom 10.5 months ago. Something you said: "I do thank God that I had a warning of her passing." made me realized that I had the same experience. I notice that my mom was going just by chance. I was about to leave for a little while. So I guess I do have to thank God in same ways.

Take care of yourself and I hope God will help get us through the Holidays.


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