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Feels like 'bubbling'?


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Mom just went to have her routine bloodwork done at the onc. She's doing so awesome and walked 25 minutes today. Her spirits have been better and she feels no pain and is going back to work this week. (A little hair came out this morning and she didn't like that, but we know it's coming.)

She complained today of feeling something "bubbling" at the bottom of the back of her chest. The nurse listened w/ a stethoscope and described the sound as "2 balloons rubbing together."

So the onc listened today and sent her for a chest x ray.

Is this pleural effusion? What could it be?

Freaking out. . . again.


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If i am correct, A pleural effusion coming on will ffeel like a heart attack. Chest pain and shortness of breath basically. Try this link for Effusion symptoms. Will come in handy just in case, but hope you never hear it though;

http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/p/pleural ... mptoms.htm

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We'll know the results tomorrow. I'm trying hard to be calm. After all, she has no complaints with shortness of breath. She was a little SOB after a 25 minute walk, which we all (including the PT) thought was to be quite expected. Other than that, there have been no problems. In fact, she's doing wonderful.

Could be nothing. Hopefully so. I'll let you all know.

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Mom worked a full day today and loved it! She and her coworkers all went on a twenty minute walk together so she could get her daily exercise. They are very supportive and loving of her. She says she's tired now but she enjoyed being back at work.

As for the bubbling, the doc's office said that the chest xray came back normal and that it's nothing.

. . . [shrug]

If they say it's nothing, I'm happy w/ that!

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YAY!!! I'm glad your Mom is doing better & that the xray was clear!!!

As for that noise...? I had that, too, once. Barb was right...they called it pleural friction. Felt/sounded weird, but was of no significance!

Here's to continued improvement!!! :wink:

Yours in HOPE!


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