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Pet/Ct on Thursday


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I don't know how to thank you for your prayers. It means the world to me that all of you thought about me and took the time to send your thoughts upward. I did get good news.

I am told that I am still a NERD. Who ever thought that NED and NERD would turn out to be such beautiful words.

They had my scan mixed up with another one and first reported that I had a kidney tumor..then realized their mistake and took another look. They said I was clear. Talk about a little scare.

I still don't feel very well but we'll figure that out soon. I did get a copy of the disc to send to my nephew, who is a radiologist in Nashville. Will really celebrate when I get his reading.

Again...Thank You!


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First of all CONGRATS :D:D:D

What a scare, I think I would have gotten physically sick over that one...

Very very happy for you and even more relieved that the reading was a mistake.

I can't help but feel sad for the person who got the good news only to have them call back with bad news. I think we lc survivors feel a connection even to total strangers.

(((Happy Hugs)))


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So glad to hear that you continue to be NED. It is great that you can have someone that you can send your film to for another opinion. Stay well and I am so glad that you are.


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Such wonderful news, but what a horrible thing to have happen to you. I hope that you will soon find out what is making you feel ill and get the proper medication or treatment you need to make you feel better. I also hope you get reassuring news from your nephew, in reference to your scans.

Luv and Prayers,


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Once again I have benefitted from not being able to check the board regularly. I just saw your original post and while my heart was in my throat, read that you would have the results July 30th. Scrolled down and got the good news 20 seconds later.

Wouldn't it be great if life were like that sometimes? No worrying time!

Anyway, I am soooooo glad to hear that things are okay with you.

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