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Go or not go?


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Dad's tests are tomorrow and then on Tuesday he meets with the doc. He hasn't had a head to toe since remission (just chest) so I am worried...of course!

For me it is a five hour drive to Rochester. I can't get a sitter tomorrow, but I can on Tuesday...let me take a poll...should I leave when my husband get's home from work, to get there for bed and then the appointment with the doc at 8:30 on Tuesday morning????

What do you think? Oh yeah...and most importantly....PLEASE PRAY!


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Do you really have a choice?

If you don't go the white coated men with the net may well have carted you off before Dad ever gets home with the results :lol::lol:

Your being there or not will not change the results but it will give you some peace of mind, go for it......you can be home for dinner on Tuesday!

Positive thoughts coming your way as always.


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