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Gooooooooood Morning Everyone

Max L

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Good moring all. Just want to update what is happening to me regarding the 1cm nodule found in my lung. I did see a pulmonologist and she had me take a blood test for Valley Fever, which seems to be a popular disease when you live in Arizona. Well, the results were inconclusive, so next Friday I will have a needle biopsy to find out if nodule is malignant. Hoping it is not, but prepared to deal with it if it does turn out that it is. After dealing with so much,prostate cancer, heart disease, diabetis, anemia, Inez and I will just continue to think positive and do whatever has to be done. On a really good note, I took a blood test that my cardiologist requested and the numbers were fantastic. Cholesterol..121, Triglycerides.99, HDL/LDL percentage 2.3%. 2.6% to 2.8% is the beginning of a possible reverse in heart disease, so am very happy about my numbers. My wonderful wife, Inez, family, friends and the support groups have been a wonderful help in dealing with all these problems and are the reasond my prostate cancer is in remission, heart doing well, and diabetis under control. Still fighting the anemia. I have learned from all of you that a positive attitude, never give up attitude and a willingness to continue fighting are the important ingrediants to a healthier future. Thankyou all for listening and above all for caring. Inez and I wish you all the very best health in years to come. Do not give up.


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Hi Max!

I've been wondering about you...I even popped in yesterday just to check. Sorry to hear the VF test was just another big question mark...darned test seems to provide those type of ("non" :wink:) results quite frequently. I guess the only time the results are conclusive are if you get a positive...??? I'm still not convinced (completely, anyway :roll: ) that it is not what has affected me. Until proven (through biopsy) to be otherwise, I figure it is still "in the hunt", so to speak (though my docs kinda roll their eyes at me when I suggest this, now that I have tested neg. so many times. :? )

I AM glad that your doctor is taking a pro-active approach. At least you will have some answers, and can move forward with whatEVER may come (Here's hoping for an easily remedied VF, afterall.:wink: ) I will be thinking of you, and Inez, and keeping you my prayers!!

Yours in HOPE!!


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I almost missed this one, Max!!! I've got all my positive vibes just atremblin' for your biopsy next week. All your bloodwork sounds absolutely fantastic, doesn't it??? Way to go! I do believe your positive attitude is rather contagious. I think I can feel it all the way here in PA. Have a wonderful weekend!!!


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Hi Christine, Stacey, Bobby, Katie, Barb and Katie. Sure proves once again how important it is when women get involved with their wonderful support. Wish we had more women involved in our prostate cancer support group. Inez and I appreciate your caring and concern. We send it right back to you. Will keep you all informed about my results. In my mind not knowing is the toughest part. Cannot fight what you do not know. Take care, stay positive and keep fightining and do not give up.

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Thankyou Ernie. We do our best to keep a positive attitude, but please do not think for one moment that it is easy to do. We have been depressed and have cried separately and together, but the together part is what has kept us going and keeping up as good an attitude as possible. Am not ashamed to admit that the older I get the easier it is to cry. The truth is that Inez and I are each other's rock. We are really very lucky. Take care, and do stay positive.

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Good luck with the tests and may all come out well in the end. My husband always said, "I don't have lung cancer until they TELL ME I have lung cancer!" That's the attitude to go with right now. You already know that being surrounded by loving family and friends and a good attitude goes a long way. Bless you and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Don M is our resident expert on all radiation things, so you might want to contact him.

My best,


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Hi Welthy...Thankyou for your kind words. Will be glad when it is over and will be even happier when I have results. Am hoping for the best, but along with my wonderful wife, Inez, we will handle whatever comes along. Had a sleep apnea test Tuesday and found out I do not breathe well when I sleep, in fact, for short periods, I seem to stop breathing, which is really not a great thing. Guess they are going to recommend a machine to sleep with. Prefer Inez, but probably can handle both. Inez told our pulmonologist that she sometimes nudges me during the night as thinks I am not breathing. Well, she was right and I am thankful she noticed this. Will let you all know the results. Thanks again to you and every wonderful person on this site for their thoughts and prayers. Keep postive, keep fighting and never give up.

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Wishing you all the luck in the world for good results! My dad has sleep apnea and uses the machine. A co-worker recently found out she also has sleep apnea and since she has started using her machine at night, it has made a HUGE difference in her energy level. It takes a bit to get used to, but in the long run is worth it.

Please keep us posted - we're all pulling for you!


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You so have a great attitude and that is half the battle as I am sure you are aware of.

Keeping everything crossed that all comes out well. If its time to put on those boxing gloves we will all be in your corner giving you support.

Keep us posted and know that we are ALWAYS here for you!!

Maryanne :wink:

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