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Hi All,

Thank you for this forum! It's a wealth of information and I really appreciate it.

My 56 year old hubby was recently diagnosed with stage IV adenocarcinoma with mets all over the place and we're terrified. He was admitted to hospital 2 days ago with severe body/joint pain. They hope to release him tomorrow and start chemo either next Friday or the following Monday. I just worry that his body isn't up to it.

We have a wonderful oncologist who's always available (this man must have no life!); he keeps us going with his compassion and optimism. My hubby is high maintenance and we feel well taken care of.

Wishing you all good health!


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Hello Karen and welcome!

I am sorry you had reason to find a group like this but am glad you have joined us.

Please feel free to ask any and all questions and voice your concerns. There is always someone here who will be able to offer you advice, information, support and hope.



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Welcome Karen! As always - I am sorry you have to be here - but glad you found us! The people here are very helpful and supportive - keep us posted with treatment plans etc. and ask questions - there is always someone here to help out.

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Hi Karen and welcome here. I read your profile which was posted on your first post...don't know what happened to it on the 2nd. :roll:

Reading his profile he sure has been through so much. I hope the chemo will help him and he will start to feel better. I think Ned mentioned to let us know what kind of chemo they will be giving him.

I know how scared you are. We have walked in your shoes. Please know there is help out there and he seems to have an Onochologist who really cares. That is great!

Keep a positive attitude as LC is not a death sentence. There are so many treatments out there. If one does not work they will try another.

Hang in there. We are always here for you, to answer questions, support, prayers or if you just need to vent. We have very strong shoulders.

Keep us posted.


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Hi All,

They got his pain under control, released my hubby from the hospital on Monday and yesterday, we got our treatment plan. The bone scan showed a whole bunch of "suspicious" sites, but the doctor said they'd need to be treated by chemo. The targeted therapy test results were extremely promising. They gave us a whole list of drugs which could potentially have a good effect along with a list of those not to use.

As I write, he started chemo: carboplatin and gemzar today, gemzar next week, then a 2 week break before starting again. They will do another PET scan in 5-6 weeks to see if there's any effect.

They also want to give him Tarceva (it showed up on the targeted therapy list), but they're going to wait a few weeks in order to give his lip a chance to heal. (The radiation blasted a hole in his chin the size of a dime!)

The oncologist was extremely positive and reiterated that my hubby doesn't have a lot of illness (guess he's got a different point of view) and he said he really believed that he could help us get this into remission. That really boosted our spirits!

Wishing everyone good health!


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Welcome!! I hope you find this forum the godsend that I have.

Sounds like you have a great doctor!! That means a lot!! And also it sounds like the doc has a treatment plan in place.

I hope that your husband continues to do better. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you.

Hugs -Patti B.

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