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Crappy second

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Crappy day

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Crappy month

Crappy life

Crappy year coming on here.

I have made the most gut wrenching, heart breaking, and depressing decision of my life.

I feel horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible but it had to be done because I just can’t do it anymore.

I have given Jayla back to Christy for good. I dropped her off this morning on my way to work with all her clothes. There is a bunch more to it but I won’t go into it right now.

I have yet to decorate or buy gifts for Christmas. Why start now. I think I’ll just skip Christmas this year.



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Giving up a child you have been raising is the worst. I'm not sure Denise, but is she your niece? I know whatever the relation, she probably feels like your child.

For what it's worth, I think you probably did the right thing. It will give you and Tom more quality time together and you SOME REST.

Judy in Key West

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