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It seems like I come to this board everytime hubby's scans are near. Well he had his blood work yesterday and his CT scan today we will get the results friday. Even though it will be 4 years ned we still worry I think more so since he started going every 6 mos rather then every 3 mos. It helps so much to just write my thoughts here. We live in NC now but come down to FL for his checkups and his main office were he works is down here so I have more time to worry then he does. It seems that at the 4 year mark many of our friends have another type of cancer or the same so I cannot let my guard down but I do know that all was well 6 mos ago.

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Thank you for your response. This site is my life line at scan time but I should get over here a few times a week since it is not all about me and hubby.I should like I did for the first two years give others support. We all can add and give hope on questions.

We are just trying to live a somewhat normal life but the move to NC though it was great to get out of FL Hubby's Doctors are so far away. We do have a back up ONC in NC as a just in case but you develop a trust in your ONC and we cannot and will not replace him.

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Sorry that I was remiss in responding to your original post here, Lorrie, BUT I was hoping, praying, and holding my breath with you both. Now to hear that MAGICAL term, NED, is just the best news ever. I identify with your sentiments about 4 years out and now waiting 6 months for scans. I actually think that gets scarier, don't you? So glad you both can relax and breathe a bit easier for the nest 5 months. I don't say 6 because, if you're like me, that last month is NOT relaxing!!!!! And you are right ~ come around a little more often and visit. I, for one, miss my old friends ~ and I mean 'old' in only the nicest way!!!


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Thank you Kasey and I will take old in the nicest way in fact I feel honored to be considered one of your old friends. Gary can hardly wait to go just every year and I told him I liked the every three months. You are also right about having 5 great months and then the worry begins just when you almost forgot.

I am going to come more often to the site I can help others just like others have helped me.


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CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :mrgreen:

Don't we just love NED!!!

Now you can relax and enjoy the spring & summer.

Good to hear from you and to see that great pic of you both with your doggie.

Maryanne :wink:

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