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Getting to Know You - Thursday - July 9


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Well, Ann, it would have to be a heart. It just seems that so much in life revolves around matters of the heart in some way.

A brain??? I don't think ya really need that at all ~ seems celebrities and politicians do just fine without one. And courage ~ though nice to have perhaps ~ pales in comparison to having heart.


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Guest Windsongs

Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it with use.

-- Ruth Gordon

Using your brain to find your inner most heart strings takes alot of courage.

Tough call here, great question. The three seem to be intertwined to me.

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I posted this question and am having a very hard time deciding which answer I feel the best about. It's so hard to pick just one, as it's important to have all three. On many occasions, I have acted with just my heart and not used my brain and have gotten into real messes. Although the "feeling" thing to do is usually right, I think I'm going to have to say "brain" as the answer to this one.

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If you haven't got any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble. -Bob Hope.

Author: Bob Hope

So gotta have heart I say!!!

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I know that my logic is probably a little off, but my choice would be for courage.

Like the scarecrow said. "Now I know I have a heart, because it's breaking" And I've had enough broken hearts in my lifetime, enough to know I'm better off without one. Yes, my heart has brought me so much joy, but also so much sorrow.

And Ingorance is Bliss. I can't tell you how many times I've known that if I was just ignorant of the facts, ignorant of injustices, ignorant of peoples' cruelty and hurfulnes, that I would be much happier. I used to teach swimming to handicapped children and I often envied their simple view of the world as good, as happy. I will take a childlike nature, innocence and ignorance.

The only thing I find fault in my logic is that if I had an abundance of courage, but no heart and no brain.... my life expectancy probably wouldn't be that long as I would most likely ingnorantly, and carelessly go jumping off a cliff or think do some other dare devil stunt.

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Thanks Ann and Dana for giving me the courage to be honest. I would also say "brain." My brain has contributed to many more positive outcomes in life than has my heart, even though I cherish my ability to feel for people. I have to go with brain.

Judy in Key West

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I'm with Carleen on this one, and courage. Courage is what keeps me putting one foot in front of the other, every single day, no matter what the previous day has crapped out on me. Courage and hope that it will all be better soon....

My heart has lead me to trouble, and my brain leads me to indecision if I take the time to see each side in any situation. I have to refer back to the serenity prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Yep, courage...

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