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Can I get a second?


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I propose to move the calendar up a bit. Call Friday New Years eve. Let's get 2020 behind us ASAP but.....I need a second.




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Me too. I'm done with 2020. My healthy husband just sustained some sort of back injury that is sidelining him so now I become the caregiver! Luckily I'm feeling good. Let's move on to better days 

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Yes PLEASE!!  2020 is a NOT a year I want or have any need to remember in a happy way!   I can't wait for it to be a bad memory!!!


 PS:  BridgetO  -  So sorry about your precious cat and hope she/he is found very quickly...

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The good news is that 2020 is almost over...let's see what the new year brings, but sometimes we look back and see that "these were the good days".  I don't pretend to say 2020 falls into that category and with vaccines and therapeutics fast on the way we should, no doubt, have a much better 2021.


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