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Need you guys again!

Guest MomOTwins40

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Guest MomOTwins40

Thank you all for your recent replies to my post.

Now, maybe you guys can help me AGAIN (someday I hope to repay all of you by helping others.)

I saw the top lung guy in Columbus today at the James Cancer Hospital. He basically said "this will probably come back and it will probably be fatal". "I don't see survivors of lung cancer 3B".

So, guess what? I'm sick as hell! I really thought I had a chance of kicking this thing, now this guy basically says lay down and die! God, isn't there someone out there who can tell me something good?!?!? I'm just ignoring him, I'm sorry, but he is WRONG! There are people who survive this and why can't I be one of them? I refuse to pay any more attention to what he told me. I was told he was a kind and caring doctor and that is what I wanted. But he just stood there smiling telling me I will eventually succumb to this disease and it will probably be sooner than later. Bull crap! I'm 4 months out from my last chemo (almost 5) and there is no sign of cancer. I believe that God is taking care of me and like my husband said, why would he bring you this far just to slap you down again. I believe I am healed and until someone tells me differently, that is what I will believe. What do you guys think about what he said?


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Right after I slammed the door in the doctor's face, I would tell him where to go. Nobody has any right to tell you how long you have, only God decides that for us. There are survivors. My mom has IIIB and the doctor we sought for her second opinion told her that there are survivors out there and she could be one of them. Never ever give up hope.

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Shoot the dr twice, the second time just to make sure.

My husband is Stage IV and all of his drs are using the word curative. They have NEVER said it always comes back, or there is no chance - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER.

Go see another dr. fast before you pass out from fear.

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Guest MomOTwins

I'm sorry if I didn't make it real clear that I was just seeing this guy to see if I like him. My current doctor who has been treating me has never been real positive either, but he never said I couldn't beat it. In fact, when I asked him what are my chances he said better than 50%. I know this is not a good thing to have, I know I'll probably die someday from it. But this guy today was just so blunt and not hopeful or encouraging.

Thanks alot for all your support, it is very helpful. I believe that I can survive this and this guy has got me hopping mad. My husband says someday we'll go back and tell him he was WRONG!


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Dear MomOtwins

I like your husband's plan! There are some work-weary dreary doctors out there who, as Mainecoon says, are little more than technicians in white coats and this guy sounds like one of them.

Glad you got it off your mind and that you are determined to be proactive in your approach to this stupid LC. Best thoughts your way...

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Please read the following articles. They will leave no doubt in your mind whether or not you should switch doctors or not. If you do not intend to die, then you will do everything possible to live. It is as simple as finding a doctor who believes you can beat this, because he's seen it done before. People on here have been posting about Dr. [baloney] at Rush Presbyterian(one of the NCI-designated hospitals), whom my mom and I met with. I heard all this riff-raff about how he's one of the top lung doctors here in Illinois. Yet, we left his office with no options and no hope. He was referred to me by Alcase even and is in the book, "America's Top Doctors".

After being interviewed by his assistant for what seemed like an hour, the whole appointment with him lasted less than 20 minutes. To his credit, he has a good bedside manner, and even offered Iressa should my mom's chemo be ineffective. For all intents and purposes, he seems like a nice man. He even started the conversation with "Well, the good news is that their doesn't appear to be much tumor activity", and said he wished there was more he could offer. But just to show you how behind the times people are, his assistant asked me how I knew about Iressa. I guess she just assumed that the average patient isn't qualified to know about this kind of stuff. Such was the case with our local hospital. Rather than entertain your research, instead they see any suggestions you make as undermining their intelligence and years of experience. A good doctor is one realizes his patients are educated, and tries to keep up!

All I wanted to so was save my mom's life. Maybe I was a little harsh on Rush Presbyterian, but how else should I be when they just RUSHED us out the door? Also, he is not a surgeon but told me that the mortality rate for the pleurectomy I wanted for my mom was in the 10% range. YEA, maybe with YOUR inexperienced surgeons! Bonehead. By some miracle we found a wonderful surgeon at Lutheran General and she immediately gave us surgical options without me having to even ask! Like I said, everyone's experience is different. Can you blame me for being so critical?

Lung doctor ≠Surgeon, and Oncologist ≠ Surgeon.

http://www.ama-assn.org/sci-pubs/amnews ... ca0626.htm

http://www.ama-assn.org/sci-pubs/amnews ... ca0925.htm

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I didnt get to read your post till Sunday night, but I hope you have taken everybody's advice. I hope you are still thinking positively, praying, and sticking with a doctor that looks to the positive instead of the negative, outdated statistics.



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Dear Veronica,

I just read about your horrible experience with this doctor and i thoroughly agree with our board buddies that he isn't worth the paper his diploma is printed on. I sincerely hope you do your best to forget everything that idiot said to you, forge ahead with getting a good doctor who cares about you physically as well as mentally. Us lc patients need doctors who are medical experts as well as compassionate human beings. My best wishes go to you in your fight - you WILL MAKE IT :)

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Dear Veronica,

Well, first I have to say something regarding Stage IIIB. What are Judy B and I....... Chopped liver???? :wink::roll::lol: WE are both Stage IIIB and I am an 8 year survivor and Judy is a 4 year I think!!(Judy forgive me for not remembering how long you have kicked this crap)! Soooooo! I also know many others that are Stage IIIB long term survivors, just because they are not on this board doesn't mean they aren't out HERE!!

Have WE TAUGHT YOU NOTHING about Doom and Gloom Doctor's???? :) Sounds to me like he/she is talking about those DREADED STATISICS!!!

OY VEY!!! There is NO reason in God's Green Earth that you CAN'T BE A LONG TERM SURVIVOR!! NONE WHAT SO EVER!!! So, my humble advice to you is this. Pick yourself up, and dust yourself off cause you have a LOT of LIVING TO DO!!! DO NOT let this crud control your precious life. With or WITHOUT cancer, LIVE IS TO SHORT!!! Hang in there my dear, you can do this!!

Warm and Gentle Hugs,

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Veronica, I agree w/the others: Turn your back on this quack and forget about everything he said BECAUSE HE IS WRONG!!!

And, Connie, thanks for adding some years to my survival, altho I do expect to survive this!

Take charge of your care and remember: The power of positive thinking can change your life! JudyB

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