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low blood pressure/fluid


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Hi. I am not sure if I am being parnaoid or not, but I just realized something today. It seems that I have read a lot in the past of poeple being really tired feeling and it was b/c of fluid on the lungs. So I am wondering if that is what is wrong with my mom b/c she is just sooo fatigued, worse than from chemo and radiation, and Iressa is not supposed to do that.

She had her blood taken today and her blood pressure has been really low, 104/60. Has anyone else experienced that?

I am going to call the physician assistant at the onc tomorrow and share my fears and question about fluid. Hopefully she will not be mad, I have not called her before about anything :)

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Fluid on or in the lung or pluera would have other symptoms such as pain with breathing, perhaps fever, cough, noisy breathing (rales or wheezing etc.) Your mom's BP is low, with blood pressure that low, fatigue is a symptom of the low blood pressure. Low blood pressure is a sign of something, many things. so she probably needs to be checked out.

That's what I know anyway. Pls call the Dr.


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Me freak out? How dare you insinuate such a thing :shock:

Heeheeheehee. Me funny :)

I am thinking either fluid or fatigue caused by low blood pressure and need to findout why BP is so low. She is still on blood pressure meds for high blood pressure and that may not be right anymore. Problem is she does not have a GP/internist, she sees a new one next week. We got rid of the first one b/c he missed her lung cancer. So I will call onc physician assistant tomorrow, apologize for bothering her, and just state my concern :)

Thank you:)

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My husband was on high blood pressure meds too and when he started back on the morphine for pain control, his blood pressure went way down. He still has a lot of fatigue from all the other issues, but getting him off the high blood pressure meds did help. Talk to your doc soon.

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For me a side effect of IRESSA "WAS" exteme fatigue...I hated it. After I stopped IRESSA I felt great again in about three days. The cure was worse than the desease, it was all I could do to get up and make it thru the day. Immedite improvement, when I stopped. Drugs effect each of us a bit different and fatigue does not appear as a normal side effect, but it sure was for me.


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My Dad was started on BP meds shortly after his diagnosis. His BP shot sky high. 213/133.......he was about to "stroke out". After several months, he began feeling EXTREMELY weak. His BP was really low. 98/60 We talked to his doctor and stopped the BP meds. Within a couple of days, he was soooooo much better. His BP is staying normal now. Maybe that's the case with your Mom. Maybe she doesn't need the BP meds any more.

Wishing your Mom the best.

In my thoughts and prayers~~~~


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I don't think you should ever hesitate to call the doctor/nurse/PA if you have a question or concern. I'm a diabetes nurse and I always tell my patients, "if you're wondering whether you should call the doctor or not, the answer is always YES." Alot of times it's easier to talk with a nurse or physician assistant rather than the doctor (but that could be the nurse in me talking :wink: ).

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Thank you everyone :) I am thinking too it might be the blood pressure more so than fluid on lungs b/c the only breathing problems are when climing stairs. I appreciate the input and will call today.

And Jane, you are right, it is much easier talking to the nurse or physician assistant :):)

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I am on Iressa and also experience fatigue. Some days are worse than others. My doctor said it was most definately a side effect of Iressa. Also, if your mom experiences moderate to extreme shortness of breath, this could be caused by a pleural effusion. My main symptom from the pleural effusion was a cough and shortness of breath. To the point that I would have to rest after getting out of the shower or doing just minor things. Since having the Denver catheter put in and all the fluid drained, my shortness of breath is much better. The tube has been out 2 months now and no reaccumulation of fluid :lol:

Hope this helps,


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Andrea, I can't help with other things (and your mom's pressure is low) but mine is rarely over 110/58. It has been that way all my life, so I know it isn't the cancer. If your mom's pressure is low for HER, then I would have it checked out.


PS> I always love your posts. :lol:

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Sorry I'm so late, Andrea. I've been rather absent lately...

Check with the doctor when ANYTHING happens that you question. I lost lots of weight on Iressa with the explosive diarrhea... I've never known you to be afraid to call anyone before, I'm surprised you don't have that number on speed dial (or wait, do you?)... Give a call, it can't hurt.

If her shortness of breath is just that (no pain) upon exertion like climbing stairs, welcome to the new normal. I get winded making the bed... You can still ask about that, though.

Bottom line is if there are questions, they should be asked...

Take care,


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