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Duke of Earl - Chapter 72 Keeps on keeping on


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You are entitled to an occasional pity party, as you wrote to Nancy B. It seems unfair that normal life problems don't stop when major ones are hitting us. There should be a rule about that.

Earl remains in my thoughts and prayers, as well as you and the rest of the family. You are doing a wonderful and caring job of seeing to it that Earl is comfortable and his needs are met. You, too, are a hero.


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This has been a sad week for us, but there has been reason to celebrate, too. Everything in balance.

When a Hospice Volunteer calls, speaks to the Client, says they will come by, then fails to do so there should be some kind of consequence for the Hospice group. I know that they are staffed primarily by volunteers, but even volunteers should be held accountable. Is there no screening process to determine if the volunteer is a reliable individual? Earl agreed to meet with this person. I think it's horrible that he was "stood up", with no good explanation for why.

Ginny, part of the reason for having my exterior walls removed in this remodel and going with stucco as opposed to siding is because a huge hive of bees set up housekeeping in my bedroom walls, and they were coming into the house from underneath the base boards! I had to duct tape the entire perimeter of my room! Did you know bees don't just "hmm" and "buzz", but they squeak and hoot, too? We have africanized bees in this part of California, and there was no way to tell if this was one of those hives. We decided on stucco because it closes off all access into the interior walls.

I am sorry you have had to deal with the neighbor from H^*L. (Is she on steroids?) I have one of those in my neighborhood. Loose Cannons. Recently, the members of my family were called genetically defective poor white trash by a former in-law. But we're all pretty intelligent, so I prefer to think of us as Low Lifes With Great Potential! :D Few things aggravate a snob worse than to learn that you don't care what they think and that you just might be laughing about it all. :wink:

It is good that Earl is in no pain. Ginny. Have you thought about one of those of travel pillows (use when riding in a train, car, airplane-has a built in head support to keep the neck stable so the head doesn't fall on to the shoulders?) Hope he is able to get out on the deck soon.

I think of you and Earl every single day.


Fay A.

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Hmmmmm, lousy neighbor.....angry wasps.....yes, we can work with that. Will get back with you on the telepathy plan!

Ginney, please take care, take a deep breath, take a nap, take 5 or just take it out on whatever works but know that you are special and Earl is so blessed to have you.


Fran (TBone's sister)

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Ginny, I check every day for an update from you. I know life must be hectic in some way, slow in other ways.

What you wrote was both so very sad and so very beautiful. Beautiful because your love for Earl comes through so clearly. I am learning so much from you.

Your neighbor does sound certifiably nutso. Geez. And how heartless to talk to you like that right now.

God Bless you and Earl,

Karen C.

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It must seem like the weight of the world is on you at times. I am so sorry that you and the Duke must endure this. You both are amazing people. I appreciate your sharing your story with us. It gives me courage to carry on. We are always here for you and the Duke.


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I'm glad Earl is in no pain, sad that the hospice volunteer didn't live up to an important commitment and that the hospice didn't even return calls after that -- Perhaps they were embarrassed and didn't realize they're only making things worse by not calling to grovel?

I hope your plague of wasps is gone by now, or soon. And I am amazed to know there are so many neighbors who come to blows (or nearly) over trees and fences. Count us in -- Our neighbors once called the police on my husband because they thought he'd built a fence an inch too high and they could "get him" on it. Wrong. :lol:

I do think of you every day and am wishing you peace, some joyful moments with Earl when he is awake, and a refrigerator free of growing things. I'm so sorry you and Earl have to have this chapter.



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Dear Ginny,

You are such a wonderful wife to Earl and a ray of sunshine I am sure in his eyes. Just your smile in your picture brightens my day. I am so glad that Earl is not in any pain and sleeping is not a bad thing. I think Earl desperatly needs to know that you will be okay if he leaves you to go to Heaven. I think thats why he gets upset if you do. He is fighting a valient battle and you are in it with him just as strong. I know you probably dont feel like you are being strong but you are. My Mom and my huband always tell me I am their Rock....... HMMMMMMMMM I say to myself..... If I am their Rock why do I feel like a pile of mush?? I think you know what I mean exactly. Keep on Keeping on Earl!!! My prayers are with you both always.

God Bless You,


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You and Earl are in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping you are enjoying some quiet peaceful moments together amongst all the traffic. So happy you have lots of support.

Keep on Keeping on.


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These are HARD, heartbreaking days and my soul aches for you. I know that you will hang in there and do what you have to in spite of the pain. Your insights into how your beloved Earl is relating to this are so poignant. You are in my prayers and thoughts.

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Geoff and I read your post with both sadnesss and awe.

Sadness for all that you are going through--and awe at how graciously you are able to handle and recount it.

NYC is only a short train ride/drive away from Philly. I know you have many, many friends there to help you (thus the tupperware project)--but if there is anything we can do, please just PM or e-mail me. We so desperately wish there was somethng we could do...

I'm a rather effective pain in the A*S when I put my mind to it, but Geoff has a gentle, loving, yet masculine way about him--so he could hang out with Earl while I harrangue your neighbor and the jerks at the hospice.

Just a thought...

You are both in our thoughts and prayers every day.

Melinda and Geoff

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Dear Ginny,

I haven't been keeping up with The Board for the past two weeks -- visiting grandchildren to contend with -- so I only read your update on Earl today. I wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you and wondering how Earl was doing. I'm glad that he's comfortable and hope that you've been able to get Hospice to be more responsive by now. What a lot you have to contend with and how wonderfully you do it.

Know that you and Earl are in my thoughts and prayers, for what they're worth (probably not too much!). I hope that you've been able to get him out on the deck in this wonderful weather that we've been having and that a neckbrace has been able to keep him comfortable out there.

All my love -- to you both.


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