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Hall pass please


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Ry, I am not leaving with doubts of knowing if I will be back this time. I am requesting a hall pass because when my husband and I went away last week we had planned on going camping in our new camper but the weather had different ideas. Due to so much rain before, during and following the terrible storms in Florida the river we were going to camp on was up to the brim and the campground closed afraid that it would flood. Sooooo we moteled it! My real wish was to go camping and hubby and I went to the campground today and made reservations for tomorrow (Tue- Sun) We are packed and ready to go tubeing down the Bear Camp river, cook on the grill, stay up late and get up late and just do what ever it is we want to do!! I cant wait. I will keep you all in my prayers while I am gone. I love you all.

God Bless,


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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Sound great Jane! Hope you have a wonderful time. I have my own little solo tent, a backpack for hiking for days, compass - all the gear. I was looking forward to doing the AT this spring but - well maybe - who knows - a miracle could happen.


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Have fun, we'll miss you. I love camping. My husband and I go camping quite often. We love to go to the Colorado River. It is on the border of California and Arizona. The fishing is good and the water is about 40 degrees and the temprature is about 110, but no humidity or bugs. With the temp as hot as it is, the water feels great. We cook hot dogs, have smores and just have a good time. Look forward to your posts when you get back. Be safe, have fun and prayers for you and the hubby...

God Bless, :D


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