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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Yep...Kasey's wings can be heard fluttering around quite often!!!
  2. Growing up, we always opened all of our gifts on Christmas morning. When my boys were little, I would always let them open one gift on Christmas Eve, as an attempt to keep them somewhat occupied until Christmas morning. Now, that they're all grown up, we open everything on Christmas morning. It seems so strange to actually sleep until 8:00 on Christmas morning now, as the kids used to be up and ready to rock and roll at the crack of dawn. I used to have a heck of a time getting Dennis awake that early, as he had usually been up most of the night before trying to assemble something for them...lol!
  3. Ann

    A Daughter's Gift

    Yes, Don, you are very blessed and we are likewise blessed to have you here with us. What a wonderful gift your daughter gave you. There is no gift quite as special for a parent as spending time with their children. You know, I'll just bet Lucie was there with the two of you, enjoying the music and beautiful lights!
  4. I just have to chime in here and say that these cookbooks are fantastic! I am a cookbook nut and have so many cookbooks that it's almost an obcession! And...I have to say that our cookbooks are the ones I use most. If you haven't ordered one, don't miss out!!!
  5. This makes me think of those darned candy cigarettes that they used to have when I was a child. Please tell me that they don't make those anymore. I used to love those things and would mimic smoking them before I ate the candy. Remember...they even came in a box that looked like a cigarette pack. What a bad infulence that was on children!!!
  6. Presents.... Open them on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day ???
  7. Val, your maturity at such a young age never ceases to amaze me. I am so much older than you, yet have learned so very many valuable lessons about life from reading your posts. Losing a loved one or battling a disease like lung cancer certainly challenges almost everything we have known throughout our lives to be true. Like most of you, I always thought that everything would always be alright with my sweet little family. I thought that Dennis and I would grow old together and bounce lots of grandchildren on our knees. It was as if all of the "bad things" in life seemed to happen to other people and my family would always be alright. So, now all the hustle and bustle of life seem so small and insignificient to my family after losing Dennis. I know that my family "gets it" and it's a real shame that people not affected by this disease don't "get it" until after it's too late!
  8. Ann


    Happy Two Year Anniversary, Jamie!!! So very happy for you! I just love great news like this.
  9. You know, the thing I used to enjoy most when Dennis was ill was when friends would just call and say they wanted to stop by to visit ME!!! I would always manage to take the time to just sit down and unwind with them and hear what was going on in the world, other than cancer. I found the time relaxing and quite refreshing. My mind was actually transported, if only for a short while, to a land filled with nice thoughts and good wishes.
  10. Religious - Oh Holy Night Traditional Christmas - I'll Be Home for Christmas Humorous - The 12 Redneck Days of Christmas (Foxworthy)
  11. Christmas Music..... In each category, list your favorite Christmans song. Religious...... Traditional Christmas ...... Humorous ........
  12. Ann

    Two years today

    (((((((((Cyndy))))))))) I know just how you feel today. I hope you can feel me giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
  13. Kelly...I'm so very sorry to hear that your mom isn't doing so well right now. Just remember that this disease is full of ups and downs. Receiving bad news is terrible at any given time but this time of the year bad news seems to be so much worse. Don't you dare beat yourself up for one single minute for not making it to her appointment. You're such a loving and caring daughter and feelings of guilt should never enter your're mind. Right now, just take a few deep breaths and know that things will settle down for you as soon as all this holiday rush is over. Thank goodness that school should be out in a couple of days. Remember that we're all saying prayers and sending good thoughts for your mom!
  14. What a sweet thing to do, Jackie! I've always known you were a really special person. I'm sure all those little guys are eagerly awaiting your walk in the park!
  15. OK...this one is easy for me, as I spent all of yesterday afternoon in the kitchen baking cookies and making candy. So...my taste buds were all revved up for this question. Cookies....definitely not iced. I grew up on cookies with no icing, as my grandmother had very little money and the sugar for the icing was a big expense. So...I love the cookies plain, as they remind me of my grandmother. My favorite cookies are either Snickerdoodles or oatmeal Raisin. I don't think I can choose. My favorite Christmas candy is a chocolate covered cherry...or maybe peanut buttr balls. Can you tell that I just love sweets???
  16. Christmas Cookies.... Do you like them with icing or no icing??? And...while we're on the subject of goodies, what's your favorite Christmas cookie and candy?
  17. Ann

    Prayers for my sister...

    Oh Kim...I will certainly be saying prayers for your sister.
  18. You know Maryanne, I think this may be just what the doctor ordered...just for you! I can tell from your post that you are excited about seeing your family, although you have concerns. You know, all these little details always have a way of working themselves out! Just have a nice glass of wine, take a big deep breath and let all those worries fly right out the window when you exhale!
  19. So sorry to hear that yet another friend has been disgnosed with this terrible disease. Please encourage your friend to join us, as we both know what a life saver this board can be for caregivers and spouses! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family!
  20. Ann

    Nushka- 3000

    Keep 'em coming Nina! I always love reading your posts. You're a real inspiration to all of us! Congrats on your 3000th post!!!
  21. Ann

    To Carleen

    Carleen...you are never far from my thoughts and always in my prayers. I know how hard this all is for you right now.
  22. What a beautiful story! It makes me remember what this season is all about! Thanks so very much for sharing this with us.
  23. ((((((((((((((Sharyn)))))))))))))) This is just wonderful news! I wish I was there right now to give you an "in person hug" and see the joy and relief that is on your face! What a Christmas blessing you and your family have been given!
  24. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!
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