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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann


    I can only imagine how frustrated you must be at this point. Normally, I would definitely say you should get a second opinion. But, if your mom is covered by an HMO, all of the participating doctors might very well agree with each other in order to keep things simple. If I were you, I would go ahead and try for a second opinion. What harm could it do? Apparently, it sounds as if your current oncologist has completely closed his mind for some treatment options. Sometimes, it's very hard to find proactive oncologists that don't give up easily. Although Dennis lost his battle against cancer, we were so fortunate to have a doctor that never stopped trying to find something that would help extend his life. I hope you can find someone that will help your mom.
  2. I'm glad your dad put a call in to his doctor. It's always better to be on top of these things, even when it may be nothing. Dennis' oncologist always encouraged us to call with any questions or changes in his body. When Dennis started radiation, he did have a few nose bleeding episodes.
  3. I know that these messages are only saved for a specific amount of time. I would imagine this time is determined by each individual phone provider. I think your best bet would be transferring the message to a tape recorder. You may lose some of the quality but the message would be permanent. I have some taped conversations of Dennis' voice and I love hearing them from time to time. By the way, how are you and your dad doing?
  4. I used this poem for Dennis' memorial service. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I think it's a very beautiful poem.
  5. This is all too familar with me. For over 25 years, I had been a part of Dennis' family. When my own mother died, she asked Dennis' mom to watch over me for her. Since Dennis' death, I have been completely estranged by his family. His father has openly told people that I "killed" his son because I did not talk him out of having a biopsy and this biopsy caused the cancer to spread throughout his body. Dennis explained to his father that it was HIS decision....not mine. This made no difference. I even had the oncologist write a letter explaining why the biopsy was necessary. I have been heartbroken over the treatment I have recieved from his family. Ironically, Dennis' dad now has pancreatic cancer and has been given less than 6 months to live. I would so love to set all this straight, but have no idea where to begin. I think being able to be angry with me and blame me has given his family someone to be angry with. So...I do know how you feel.
  6. (((((((Judy))))))))) I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how hard it was for you to watch someone you love suffer so very much. Please remember we are here for you and are remembering you in our prayers.
  7. Way to go, MIssy and Sue!!! So proud of all you have done!!! I hope you had a great turnout!!!
  8. Ann

    I'm Still Here

    So good to hear from you, Bruce. Can't tenants really be a pain? We had a duplex at one time and I was never so glad to get rid of anything as I was the day we sold that house!!!
  9. I'm so glad all of you had such a wonderful time at the Bash!!! The pictures Katie has shared with us are wonderful! I don't know when I've seen so many smiling faces in one place!!!
  10. Ann

    Bronze Award

    Oh, I know you are a proud mom. Your daughter must be a truly amazing young lady to have such feelings of compassion for others at such a young age. Please tell her we are all very proud of her for this achievement and winning her award!!!
  11. Peggy....I am just so glad that this has been a good week for you. YES...talking is what got me through losing Dennis. I have always encouraged anyone that has been faced with illness and loss to talk about it. I didn't seek out a counselor but I was fortunate to have two really good friends that were great at both listening and giving advice on how to cope. I am so glad you are TALKING and I'm also glad you shared this with others on the board. I know this will help so many!!! (((((((((Peggy)))))))))))
  12. Add me to this circle. Prayers for Dave...and Aimee!!!
  13. I just know you guys are all going to have so much fun! This will be such a great opportunity for everyone to get to know each other better! Next year....I will make it nest year!!! I'll be thinking of you tommorrow and all the fun!!!
  14. Carleen...I am so very sorry for your loss. I know that words are so little comfort right now but please know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our hearts and our prayers.
  15. Rebellious Beatles Telephone-in-Ear Dreamer Name four things that describe the town where you live:
  16. Saying prayers for your Dad and your family.
  17. Post 4 things that describe...... Kittens 1.fuzzy 2.playful 3.tiny 4.sweet ..........ok, now 4 things that describe.... Dogs So...next person lists four things that describe dogs. Then they name something new for the next person to describe.
  18. Ann


    Wow!!! Such great news!!! I think we all needed some good news like this today.
  19. Janet, it's so very good to hear from you. I know how hard these months have been for you. I know how hard summer must be for you without Ron. I look at Dennis' boat and think of how much he would have been enjoying his fishing right now. I work right on the river where he loved to spend so much time. I remember those final boat trips we took together. Most of the days, we did very little fishing. We just held hands and seemed to sit there, each facing our own fears about the future. I love your plan to honor Ron with a beautiful garden. I think that's such a special tribute. It will be even more special because your friends are sharing plants with you. I hope the garden helps to bring you much deserved peace and makes you feel close to Ron.
  20. I was adopted but it was never kept a secret from me. My adoptive parents were wonderful and there was never any "reason" for me to find my biological parents. But...it was something that was always in the back of my mind. As a young girl, I used to have this fantasy that my biological parents were these very wealthy people that were out there somewhere, actively looking for me. My adoptive parents never knew who my biological parents were. When I was pregnant with my oldest son, I stumbled onto some information that led to the identity of my birth family. My father is deceased and my mother still lives in Knoxville, very near to where I was raised. They were about the farthest thing possible from wealthy. My dad and I had a very good relationship but my mother and I were (and still are) like strangers. That's all a long, boring story that I'm sure no one is interested in. But...I am so often sorry that I ever found out who they are. My parents are the loving couple that took me home from that hospital, when I was three days old.
  21. What would you do if you suddenly found out that you were adopted? Would you attempt to contact your birth parents?
  22. Andrea, you did a wonderful job of making these wonderful cookbooks happen. Thank you so very much for helping to raise these much needed operating funds. For those of you that haven't ordered one of these books, I strongly urge you to do so right now. The recipes are all very good, user friendly recipes that come from the kitchens (and hearts) of members right here on our board. You don't have to be a gourmet chef to prepare any of these delicious dishes. In addition to making a great cookbook for your collection, they make great gifts. Please order a couple today!!!
  23. Welcome Donna. I am very sorry that your Dad is ill. I know how frightened you must be right now. This group is a wonderful source of information, support and friendship. It's always been such a relief for me to know that I have such a great group of friends that understand what I am going through. Just jump right in with both feet and join us!!!
  24. (((((((((((Karen))))))))))))) What is the matter with these people? How can they not understand and be sympathetic for what this child has gone through in her little life? She has survived more than many adults could ever cope with! People that can't understand the fact that different children have different needs are in the wrong profession! Since when is taking a nap a bad thing for anyone? Heck, I think I would function much better myself if given the opportunity to take a short nap during the day. I hope you find a new day care as soon as possible and I hope the staff has the ability to understand our wonderful little Faith. Indeed, she is a very special little girl and anyone that can't "get that" has a lot to learn about children and how they are affected by life changes!!! I am so glad that you and Faith have been doing well in therapy. You have both been through so much and I know how lost you were. Please know that we're always here to listen!!!
  25. So very sorry that things aren't going well. Hopefully the doctor will be able to do something to make her feel more comfortable. Keeping you and your MIL in my prayers.
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