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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Holly, I remember your mother well. I was always so sad because she was so very young. I am so sorry to hear of her loss. I know this must be so very hard for you to deal with at such a very young age yourself. There are lots of people here that have lost their moms that would be great listeners, if you ever ned to talk. I'm so very sorry.
  2. What would you like your legacy to be? What would you like future generations to say about you?
  3. Saying lots of prayers for a very successful surgery!
  4. Ann

    Feeling Better

    Glad to hear your mom is feeling much better. I think sometimes, we just have to get our minds to over ride our bodies. Anyway, glad to hear she is doing much better. I'm sure you're very relieved.
  5. Just wanted to let everyone know that November is also National Caregivers Month. Here is a link that has a lot of great information for caregivers. http://www.thefamilycaregiver.org/
  6. You know deb, I would have to agree with you. I have four...count 'em...four...cats and they are all purrfectly pampered. They want for nothing. The hardest thing they have to do is decide which window to sun themselves in. I think that would be a wonderful life....just sitting around waiting to hear the hum of the can opener.
  7. Ann

    Where IS she????

    Dani, I am so sorry to hear that things are so very rough for you right now. I wish I had the right words to help ease your pain and take away some of the emptiness. I do know that it helps to talk about the loved ones that we have lost and it seems your family is not talking about your sister. If I were you, I would find a group in your area that offers grief counseling. This would give you an opportunity to talk about your sister while working through your grief. Luckily, I had a couple of friends that were very good listeners and sat through hours and hours of me expressing my pain. Dennis' family were always very "tight lipped" after his death and never seemed to even want to talk about him at all. In many ways, you would think he had never existed as a son to them. Of course, remember that we are all here to listen...always. I am praying so hard that God will grant you the ability to find some peace and understanding about this tragic loss.
  8. I'm not a smoker but just wanted to throw in something that came to mind while reading all your posts. I think that everyone thinks that something "bad" will never happen to them, regardless. I think that in spite of all the information about harm from cigarette smoking, many people will just have the attitude ...it won't happen to me...and go on lighting up. I think that our society consiste with the mentality that everything bad always happens to someone else.
  9. Pat...no answers but lots of prayers. I have always been a believer that not knowing is the worst of all fears. I think you should make a call and see if you can get any information that might ease your mind a bit. Waiting until next Thursday will be a long wait for answers.
  10. Other than a human, what type of animal would you like to be, if given that choice?
  11. http://www.flashfunpages.com/couple.swf
  12. I'm getting ready to do a craft show this weekend and this one of the signs I'm doing. It's always a really good seller. Thought you might enjoy this. Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body. But rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, worn out and screaming....WOO HOO...what a ride! I think I may have read this posted here by someone before but just had to share it with you today. I hope everyone is having a really great day!
  13. Ann

    Steve's Obituary Redux

    Reading this article made it very apparent what a very special man Steve was. This is a very beautiful tribute to his life.
  14. Linus...please let us know how your mom is doing today. I have been thinking about you and hoping things are going better today.
  15. Wow...Bruce I just have to tell you that I'm really impressed that you gave your pajamas to that little boy! What a very sweet thing to do!
  16. Dani, please don't ever second guess coming here and sharing your feelings with us. We all have different burdens that we need to have someone listen to and help us with. I know how you miss your sister. I have always been so impressed by the amount of love the two of you shared. As for worrying, you're not the only sone that does that! Now, every time I have a medical problem, I automatically assume the worst. When I hear someone cough, I think of lung cancer. When someone has lost a lot of weight, I wonder if they have cancer. I know life will never be the same as it was before losing Dennis but I often wonder if I will ever return to "normal" thinking...whatever that is. Dani, please don't be a stranger here. Even if you don't realize it, you do have a lot to share.
  17. Ann

    my brother and Mike

    Nancy, I am so very sorry that you are faced with so much sorrow in your life right now. Losing both your husband and brother in such a short time frame is more than anyone should be able to handle. My heart breaks for your mother. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child. Nancy, I don't have the answers and am still unable to understand why God works in the way He does. Please know that I am thinking of you and praying that you will be able to make some sense of all this tragedy.
  18. This is great news!!! So happy for both you and your mom!!!
  19. Being raised as an only child, I always thougth I'd have a houseful of little ones. Well, after having three boys, I decided that a houseful was out of the picture and settled for three. I also always thought that I wanted to be a teacher - 1st grade. what in the world was I thinking? I did my semester of student teaching and was about ready to pull my hair out, so teaching was not for me. Instead, I went into the business field so now I have a boss that acts like a 1st grader so I would say I'm pretty much where I intended to be! Of course, I always figured that my husband and I would grow old together and enjoy our grandchildren but obviously, that was part of a Cinderella story that will never come true.
  20. Cindi - I'm saying lots of prayers that these headaches are nothing to worry about and that all tests come back with wonderful results!
  21. Ann

    4000 for Ry

    Ry, you are absolutely wonderful! Thanks so much for taking the time from your life to make us all feel better!
  22. I also sent an email applauding them for standing up and facing this issue head on!
  23. I found that puddings and yogurt were the easiest things for Dennis to eat. He would eat the jello but wasn't a big fan of it to begin with so that was tough. I was always pushing him to drink Ensure and he did pretty well with it. I would always keep a glass of something right beside him, wherever he was, so that if he ever had the urge to drink, it was right there. The flat Gingerale also worked for us. Keep in mind all of this was taken in very small amounts but it was enough to avoid dehydration. Hope you find something that works!
  24. Kimmie, I don't at all envy the position you find yourself it. I know, from experience, what a toll a demanding parent can take on you. From many things you said, you could have been talking about my own mother. You know, there are times and situations that caregivers cannot give up their lives to take care of a family member. I'm sure your mom realizes this and really does want you to have your life but at the same time I'm sure she will miss your help and company. Is there anything your mom likes to do (hobbies) that you could get her involved in to help occupy her time while you're working? Maybe a call to some of her friends with an explanation of the problem would help. You know, scrapbooking is a wonderful thing for people to get involved with, even on a very simple scale. Just remember that you are not to fell guilty about whatever decision you must make to better your own life. I know that is very easy to say, but it is true. I'm so happy about the wonderful job with benefits! Go for it!!!
  25. When you were a kid, what did you imagine your adult life would be like? Has it been as you thought?
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