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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Shelly, it is so very great to hear from you. I can't even imagine being strong enough to get through everything you have been forced to deal with! I just want you to know that we all think about you so very often and miss hearing from you. I hope things begin looking a bit brighter for you. I know how depressing this time of the year can be. I lost Dennis just 10 days before Christmas and I so very much dread that time of year rolling around. My mom died on New Years Day and I lost my dad on Easter. So, you can see that I'm not a big fan of holidays, myself. I delinitely think it is a great idea to have a section for venting/yelling/screaming and pulling hair out...as long as it happens to be your own hair!!! I could really keep that forum hopping on many days! Just hang in here with us, Shelly and we'll all "cowboy up" together and make it through the holidays!
  2. Great idea, Ginny. You are something gal! Always have that thinking cap on! I'm going to email them right now!
  3. 1. My boss 2. Bad drivers 3. Television 4. Telemarketers 5. Extra pounds
  4. Beth...I'm glad to hear you have help. This will really help a lot with running to the pharmacy. I'm also glad to hear you have a nice nurse. I know this is hard for both you and Bill to deal with. Make the very most of the good days. I'm praying there will be many more good ones than bad ones. Take care of yourself.
  5. Name five things you could easily give up and live without.
  6. Thanks to all of you for all the very special birthday greetings. It's so nice to have so many friends that care!!!
  7. Ann


    Connie...how many beers did it take and did the donuts raise the stakes???
  8. Ann

    all the firsts

    Becky, it is so good to hear from you. I miss hearing from you so very much. It still seems unbeliveable that Dave isn't here on the board. I know how hard all of these "firsts" are. I can't believe that it has been almost three years since I lost Dennis and all the important dates still break my heart in two. Just hang in there and know that Dave is with you every step of the way!
  9. So very sorry for your loss.
  10. Happy Birthday, Charlie....We're almost twins!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!
  11. Like Kelly....I'm going to count God, Family, and Friends as something other than "things." I couldn't make it without those in my life. As for material things.... My computer....to keep up with you guys. My pets....as they really get me through the rough times and always show unconditional love. Books.....as I love to read. Telephone....to keep in touch with family & friends. A/C .....as it gets hotter than hell in Florida.
  12. Name five things that you couldn't live without.
  13. First kiss...still remember it! His name was Larry and he was just the cutest little guy! We were in the fourth grade. I think it was more of a "peck" than a kiss but I still remember it well!
  14. I was just treated for this a few months ago. It was very hard to get rid of. I had to take two rounds of the antibiotics before it was gone. It was really unpleaseant to deal with.
  15. Peggy,,,this post just gave me warm fuzzy feelings! Better yet...I am so glad you are feeling good about this!
  16. Wow..twins!!! Happy Birthday Barb and Larry! I hope both of you ahve a wonderful day filled with happy times and great cake!!!
  17. Who was the first boy or girl that you ever kissed?
  18. Oh Fay...What a Hoot! Hope you treat this with a grain of salt! You are one of the most well informed members of this MB. You always seem to handle any situation with grace and style. Please...whoever misunderstood our Fay..reread her posts and her profile!
  19. Ann

    It's a Girl

    Such wonderful news, Patty! Thanks for sharing your new blessing with all of us! Enjoy your visit with this new little miracle!
  20. Do others out there have real jerks for bosses? Having had our own company for years, I try and understand that the mental stress and strain is very much for a small business owner. On the other hand, I know how important it is to be nice to the people that are running your business and keeping food on your table. My boss is just six months older than my oldest son (30) yet he acts like a two year old. He's a spoiled brat that has always had his parents bail him out of any problems. He has no respect for anyone. He does not treat his mother well, he says terrible things about his wife to others...he's a disaster. He can have his good moments, although few and far between. I stay here because I am good at my job and the money is really great for this part of Florida. My problem is that he can make me so very mad in just a matter of seconds. Instead of yelling when my temper gets that hot, I always cry. It's tears of anger...not sadness. I'm so afraid that he will mistake this for weakness. Does anyone have any ideas how I can stop doing this? This is pretty much something that I have done all my life. Dennis used to say when I got mad enough to cry, it was time for him to take five and let me get calmed down...lol! I've had a really bad morning dealing with the boss! He has a terrible memory (combination of stress and pot) and continuously thinks he told me things to do that he didn't. Any ideas other than change jobs???
  21. Although there have been so very many good and positive things happen in my life, none of them had the impact on me that I received when I heard Dennis had lung cancer. To that point in life, I had pretty much been in control over my own destiny. Things hadn't always been easy but there was always something that could be done to "fix" the things that went wrong. When I heard the words inoperable, incureable but we can try and buy some time with treatment, I realized that I was no longer in control. I realized that this was not something I could fix. I realized the entire situtation was in hands more powerful than mine. From that day, my entire attitude has been different about life.
  22. Ann

    I miss you Dad...

    Pam...It doesn't seem possible that it has been two years sicne you lost your dad. I am so glad that you have such happy and loving memories of your dad. Don't you wish every child in the world could be as lucky as you were? It's those great memories and happy times that live on in our hearts and minds and get us through all the pain and sadness! Sending you hugs! ((((((((((((((((((Pam))))))))))))))))))))
  23. Pat, I am so praying that this new combination of drugs will work magic for Brian. I am so glad you are able to take FMLA and devote all this time to just the two of you. You are both very strong and I'm sure you each draw your strength from the other. Now that Brian is more like himself, things will be much easier for you. The two of you always remain in my thoughts and prayers.
  24. Have you ever felt an actual turning point in your life? An epiphany, experiencing or realizing something and knowing that it is going to change your life forever - an act of kindness you witnessed or received, something someone said to or about you, a feeling of absolute calm, an everyday hero you admire/d, or whatever it was for you, please share.
  25. No, Denise...you are certainly not alone! This is a topic that comes up on this board very often. Unfortunately, you have to develop a quick come back for the people that ask that question. Maybe, if we all try and educate the people that make these comments, the world will become much more knowledgeable about lung cancer!
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